My Vladof allegiance assassin is very often built around assault rifles, and I love it!
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]Shredifier Parts[/quote]Anything? Even a blade might come in handy for Zer0, and given how hard they are to find, I’d be more concerned about finding one in an element than a particular part set. The Shredifier already has good fire rate, and Zer0 has reload skills down early in his skill trees. I prefer Vladof grips on my assault rifles because (besides the Shredifier), I’m always down for higher fire rates. A Dahl stock might be my main focus though (so that bullet stream doesn’t squirm around as much).
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]COM[/quote]I would go for a Lawful Neutral Rogue com with +6 in Vel0city. The other two skills I’m less concerned about (+5 in Tw0 Fang or Like The Wind). Unless you’re at the bottom of the Bloodshed tree, you won’t be using Like the Wind. Tw0 Fang will be more helpful with other assault rifles that don’t already have phenomenal fire rates (Kerblaster, Bekah, even an unscoped Seraphim).
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]Relic[/quote]A Bone of the Ancient relic, matched to your Shredifier’s element. Without a cooldown bonus in your COM, it will be agonizingly long between Decepti0n without at least something in the relic.
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]Shield[/quote]Pick your favorite? Maybe an absorb shield if you think the extra assault rifle ammo will help, but I don’t think this is critical to this build. I’m sure you’ll get recommendations from the entire top tier of available shields. I might go with a Blockade or Turtle shield… you’re likely going to need some face time with the targets to keep that lead stream on them, so you need a shield that can keep up.
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]Grenade[/quote]Slag Transfusion, but if you’re actually running out of grenades in combat, a Magic Missile.
[quote=“mikethemidget12, post:1, topic:391511”]Healing Method (Transfusion, Grog, Rubi)[/quote]Everything… Innervate is cute (and I’m not sure you’re going for a melee-focused build here so no Resurgence), but when that’s all I have for healing, it’s rough. The Hunter COM’s +10% health upon activation is nice (and I would seriously consider this for a COM as well), but a Kitten and Hail would be my go-to healing sources, especially since they’re elemental assault rifles.
In addition, and this is just me, I would try to get all of these in shock (so much farming though). This will cover most (not all) enemy elemental resistance, and your Bone of the Ancients relic will now boost Unf0rseen’s damage as well. Plus, when you’re tossing a Storm Front while holding your Moxxi assault rifle for healing (and better damage than a Transfusion), the Bone will enhance that too.
My favorite technique for this when I have the luxury of not being totally overwhelmed by enemies is to run/jump over an enemy, and rap them on the head for Death Mark. Go into Decepti0n, hit the target with Kunai, and as soon as they pop (to get the quickest cooldown bonus without eating the Kunai yourself), knock the enemy into your hologram with Execute. While they’re stunned and in your face, unload on their critical spot with your assault rifle. The point of the Execute here is not to kill, but to stun and present an easy critical area.