Help with Vorac solo

I’m trying to solo Vorac in UVHM and I have what I feel like are the best items to do it, DPUH, Grog, Lady Fist, Chaotic Evil Monk, bee, rough rider, heart breaker, shiereffs badge. But no matter what combo of items I use I just can’t beat him. Any tips or things I should go farm would be appreciated. Thanks!

When are you trying to kill the chief?

I take the chief out right when he spawns. Should I be waiting and kill him later?

The key to survival with Sal is off-hand moxxi weapons. Keep that grog out at all times. A Legendary Gunzerker or purple Berserker COM would allow you to stay in gunzerk all the time. Even though you will deal less damage than with a monk COM, staying alive is more important.

Alternatively, if you only want to farm his drops, you can always use the Pimp/RL combo, or try my Deputy build. They do that job much faster.

And ditch the Bee.
You’re using a gun that has slow projectiles and a wide spread (so you have to be pretty close) against a quick and aggressive opponent… There is no way you can keep that bee up, and all you’ll be left with is a sub-par shield with a long delay. Change to a shield that will let you live through the fight. An Evo, Neo, RR, Blockade or FOTF would all be better choices.