Bug or astronomical probability?

Running the Anvil on Mayhem 3: 3 separate mobs dropped the same Rebel Yell Legendary AR. Same element, same gun parts, etc. etc.

Don’t know what the odds are, but to get 3 of the same exact guns from 3 different badasses in the same run seems astronomically high. IF they had different parts on them I would chalk it up as luck, but since they had the same parts it seems too far fetched.

Anyone else experience this?

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Yes, but not a as extreme case as this

I get multiple same weapon drops on loot midget runs. Like each has a pool that gives me X. Got 3 impaler shields same stats off of 3 loot midgets

In BL1, certain weapons had locked parts. There was therefore little to no variation of possible drops. The Dove was was a big one: all it had open was the Accessory slot. They may have returned to tjat with certain weapons in this game, and the Rebel Yell may be completely locked in terms of parts. So it may just be the luck of getting the same weapon 3 times, with the locked parts making things seem more astronomically rare than they actually are.