Overclocking COV Weapons with Click Click

I’ve been trying to thinking about usual build ideas and one thing that came to mind was pair Click Click with the two COV weapons that don’t break when they overheat, the Hangin’ Chadd and the Pain is Power. The trick to really overclocking this concept is to find a Lemniscate or Low-Life class mod with 3 or more points of Click Click, which would notionally boost your gun damage by up to 72%.

Has anyone run into a shield with 100% fire immunity? Pairing the Pain is Power with a fire immune shield, 6+ Click Click and an elemental project relics would probably pump out some serious DPS.


Heck yeah, great topic. :+1:

Didn’t know that! I think I have both of these on another character. So let me see if I understand how this would work. Those guns don’t ‘break’ when they overhead, they just do fire damage to the user? Therefore, if we got a fire-proof shield, we should be able to use the gun at the “bottom” of the magazine for sustained maximum Click Click damage?

I haven’t seen a fire-proof shield yet, but I’m only like one playthrough into the game.

The Chadd does not consume ammo and never overheats or breaks. Pain is Power will break, but instead of overheating, it lights you on fire.

[quote]Has anyone run into a shield with 100% fire immunity? Pairing the Pain is Power with a fire immune shield, 6+ Click Click and an elemental project relics would probably pump out some serious DPS.

I’m pretty sure there isn’t one, just Shock and Rad. This is pretty complete:


Just keep in mind that some shields are under Hyperion as a manufacturer.

Pain is power sounds like something good to use with one of those elemental damage relics that would deal 180% more damage while you’re on fire.

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Oh sick - I literally have a nascent spreadsheet open now with a few of my own entries in it; this will speed that up considerably, thanks!

edit - ha ha! I even have a ‘gimmick confirmed’ column. :laughing:


Actually (atleast on Xbone) if you hold the trigger down for almost 4 minutes the Chadd does break. It even says in the description that it breaks after 999 shots. Am I really the only one who taped my fire button just to test that?

That said, I feel it would be very viable on Moze as well. However I don’t do a lot of build testing. So I will leave that final conclusion to those of you that do.

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I’ve acquired a low life mod with +2 TRL and +3 Click Click. Now I just need to save scum a good Chadd roll.


Results of my testing with that low life com, the Hangin’ Chadd, the Pain is Power, and the Embrace the Pain were mixed. Once you get the weapon nice and hot, the 72% extra gun damage is pretty noticeable, but it didn’t feel like it was significantly outperforming a Bloodletter build with 6/3 Desperate Measures. I’m going to keep an eye out for a lemniscate com with +3 Click Click, but until then, I think this build concept is a bit of a dud.