What are "Force Troopers?"

According to today’s announcement about the coming week’s rare spawn event, “Force Troopers” will spawn random legendary class mods.

Is this a particular type of common enemy? I don’t recall seeing a side or board mission for Force Troopers.

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I believe they are the TVHM Flash Troopers…but I could be mistaken. I know I’ve seen them but I don’t always pay attention to enemies’ names.

Force Trooper is a rare spawn in AtlasHQ :slight_smile:
Happy farming tomorrow.


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Do they only spawn in a specific area of that map?

Haven’t seen them anywhere else.For 8 playtrus thats all I know and they didn’t drop anything to me and were tedious to farm.


They are known as Power Troopers if you use the interactive map online you can see them in AtlasHQ. In the upper circular end to the right side, kind of in the bottom left corner. If that helps. Happy farming, hopefully they are more lucrative than Kat Jr.

They are a reference to the Mighty Morphong Power Rangers.

They are located in an out of the way spot in Atlas HQ.

Each is a different colour, red, blue, green, yellow, white.

I first encountered them via the repeatable side quest “Kill The Force Troopers” my first time heading into Atlas HQ.

They can still spawn even after all other enemies (except the ratch) stop spawning in Atlas HQ.

I have probably farmed them 50 times and never got one legendary from them, not even a world drop.