Farming the Cube in Desolations Edge

So, the cube kept respawning for me (like seriously, I’ve done it at least 20 times) and then… It broke… I cried :sob::sob::sob::broken_heart: anyone else been able to farm it? Is there something that allows you to do that?

I know not what you are talking about?! :open_mouth:

Are you talking about the big cube floating on Nekrotafeyo? I had no mission about it! :open_mouth:

There’s no mission for it, Google it :wink:

So, would being able to farm it a bug or is only being able to do it once the bug? And how would we know when the developer rarely interacts with us? These are the important questions of life.

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Oooo… :8


Good question!! At least 75% of my legendaries are from the cube!! In m3 I was getting at least 3 every time…

I’ve had 3 goes at it so far. Haven’t been back in a while.

What system are you guys on? On Xbox it only let me solve it once, same for all of my friends.
Got 5 legendaries from it though

My husband said to shoot each side with a different element to open it.

I’m on ps4

XB1 only lets me do it once.

PS4 as well.

I’m on PC and the cube is respawning. They should fix it. I got 9 legendaries in 3 runs (with the same character), this is really overpowered, you get orange stuff for doing nothing.

Maybe it’s just broken on PC or it has something to do with finishing the story/applying Mayhem. I didn’t touch the cube until I finished the story and applied Mayhem 1 (had no idea how to open it). I’m going to open it a few more times and see if it disappears (and leaving the legendaries on the ground or selling them, I don’t want to keep them).

Wait what… the cube does something? I just assumed it was scenery and never bothered with it. I won’t read what it does, I’ll try to figure it out myself!

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Im currently playing on xbox and it’s broken as well :confused: tried exiting like normal, went to sanctuary and back, but it’s broken still

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Yes. It’s only supposed to let you do it once. But just like Mayhem Mode it seems PC players get a bit of an edge. On PS4 and even if you do it in normal mode, it will be solved in TVHM.

I’m on ps4 though? It would be nice if Gearbox could let us know if we are supposed to be able to do it more than once

Im guessing not due to the fact it physically changes after you do it once

I went back and my cube is all shattered

But I did it at least 15 times?

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I’ve farmed the cube literally 100X. As soon as you collect gear, fast travel back to sanctuary immediately. Rinse/repeat ! !
by the way, better loot falls online & ovi if you’re in mayhem/ tvhm