[Build] "I don't know how to stop this train...."

I made a thread about Sal and OP runs the other day, so I figured I’d throw my build in here for some critique.

I’ll start out with the class mod, as I couldn’t add that in to the skill calculator. I use the Legendary Hoarder mod, because with all the time I spend in my action skill and the constant holding down of the firing triggers, it’s VERY nice to never have to wasted money on an ammo vending machine. Other than that, we get:

+5 Locked and Loaded
+5 Lay Waste
+5 Filled to the Brim
+5 5 Shots or 6
+5 Incite


Shield: I started using the Rough Rider not too long ago and it does indeed make an enormous difference. The constant Money Shots is amazing and actually extremely fun. It gives decent damage reduction and serves its purpose well. I really only use this shield, though, for bosses or very strong enemies as it is not exactly the best in huge mob situations.

For mobs/weaker enemies, I absolutely love the Antagonist. It’s almost like the rough rider on steroids, but you don’t get the constant Money Shots. I’ve seen many people say they don’t really like it because they use the GN, but I’ve found it to be useful in times of being surrounded by large mobs (and I mean surrounded) in that it protects you from all sides with its reflection and can “pre-slag” people for when you get around to them. It does so much more though, and it seems that everywhere you turn, people are randomly dying or are randomly slagged. With this shield, I’m able to drop into the middle of a giant group of people and just 'Zerk my little heart out.

Guns: Obviously DPUH and GN are ideal. Everyone loves these guns and the majority of people use them, so I won’t go too far into this. A few people might give me a hard time for not using the +Money Shot mod, but with Inconceivable and 5 Shots or 6 usually constantly adding ammo/not consuming ammo you’re only missing out on a few things since the damage of the DPUH is already pretty high. I honestly prefer the bullet regen from the legendary hoarder mod because I can literally just mash both triggers and not worry about letting go or checking on my ammo. Plus, the Legendary Hoarder mod is team bullet regen and I play with a good number of people, so allowing their ammo to regen and constantly use their best guns/builds at all times is helpful.

Other guns that can be fun at times:
Maggie - I mean, what (besides DPUH) can be better than a miniature shotgun that gets the 45% damage bonus?
Swordsplosion - I’ve found this gun to be kind of fun to use when fighting raid bosses by killing one of the “lesser” enemies with it, procing NKLOK, then switching to the DPUH and laying waste.
Slowhand - Kind of similar to Swordsplosion in that you can use it to activate NKLOK on weaker enemies.
Bitch - almost every variation, but I’ve found the +fire rate and +bullet speed versions to be the most fun. After activating the ridiculous +fire rate skills that Sal has, you don’t even recognize separate shots anymore and it feels/sounds/looks like a railgun almost. Health bars of even the strongest enemies drop faster than I personally ever thought possible with an SMG
Slagga - I don’t know why this one is so good (no nub, I swear), but it does some good work. I usually only use it on smaller enemies/mobs, but it gets the job done. A lot of people don’t like SMGs, but for me at least and with my build, they seem to work more often than not.

Alright, here’s the build:

You’ve seen a million builds, so I doubt it’s much different than most others so I won’t waste your time with going through each and every skill. I’m just going to go over a few that have allowed me to make the game “easy-mode” up to this point, or skills that some people may not understand why I invested in to them etc.

Last Longer and I’m Ready Already:
-Pretty self explanatory. They just go along with the “infini-zerk” builds.

Yippie Ki Yay:
-Useful for mobs. Just hop in the middle, slap that L1 (LB on xbox I guess?) and keep adding to your time. I’ve hopped in the middle of swarms of enemies in The Beatdown, Digistruct Peak, and many other places where a small radius around me on my minimap was just painted in little red diamonds, and I’ve come out of it with all the red gone…still 'zerkin.

Get Some:
-VERY useful against raid bosses. Let me repeat that. VERY VERY VERY useful against raid bosses. Some people give this skill it’s due love, but I’ve also seen some people omit it for other skills. Especially if you use the GN, this skill is absolutely necessary to every aspect of this build and the goal of “infini-zerk”. Fighting raid bosses like Pete and other bosses where little “minions” aren’t around to kill to proc Yippie Ki Yay, I can just hold down the triggers, continually hit him, and take time off of my cooldown. Seriously, I don’t kill him in one mag or anything (guess I’m not as good as some people), but there’s only a ~2 second delay between when my 'Zerk runs out and when I can activate it again, all without having killed a single thing.

Down Not Out:
-“I don’t always fight for my life. But when I do, I’m still rollin’”. For the few times I do find myself “down”, I’m usually back up in a fraction of a second. Saved me on Digistruct Peak once or twice. And because let’s be honest, nobody is entirely invincible.

Hard to Kill:
-“capnslapabich, if u use groz nozzle y r u using this silly skill pls?”. Because. I like that it gives me a little extra health (which is really only useful once you get to highhh levels when your health bar is a large number), and I like that when moving between spots and my skill isn’t active, I can take a second and regenerate a little health that I’ve lost. I liek it, hokay?

-This is actually really fun. Kind of gives an added level of “fun” to gunzerking. Let’s be real, you’re going to take some damage sooner or later. What better response to that damage could you ask for besides running around like a Usain Boltzerker and killing things? I get shot by someone, turn to look at them, and as soon as we make eye contact I can just see them saying “fuk…i dun goofed”. I then charge at them like a raging bull with the rage of Clint Eastwood and show them that the fear they realized was very, very real.

For the rest:

  • +218% Fire rate is nice (88% from Keep Firing, 80% from Lay Waste, 50% from Locked and Loaded)…even without skills from the ‘Brawn’ tree. Just trust me, it’s enough
  • +82% Reload speed is more than enough (so I left out All in the Reflexes)
  • +470% Possible damage is enough also. That does include Money Shot, so just +70% at other times. It’s a nice bonus and I’ve already explained why I’m fine with this over using a Monk class mod with the +Money Shot.

Of course some of the skills are “take 'em or leave 'em” skills, like Down Not Out or Double Your Fun, and even Hard To Kill, but this is how I made the build to be the most fun/interesting for me personally. I’ve played extensively with Gaige and Maya and had tons of fun with both of them, but this build on my Sal has allowed me to have the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game.

If you have any questions, concerns, critiques, or “wtf r u doing”'s to say, I’d be more than happy to hear them. I’m always open for some constructive criticism. But before you do that, just remember that my main goal for this build is to prolong the skill and that I chose fire rate buffs over most other things because reasons (math). If I can increase my fire rate by 218% and my damage by +70% (at any given time), I’d take that over increasing my fire rate by ~120% and damage by ~100% (whatever the calculation would be by using a different mod). My shots do a slightly less damage per shot with this build, sure, but I’m also throwing out almost twice as many bullets. In the long run, it more than makes up for it.

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I love the Hoarder class mod myself but I really think you would be better off with Legendary Gunzerker unless you expand your gear options a bit. See your weapons have little synergy with Hoarder with the exception of the Bitch and Slagga. The best weapons for a Hoarder build are ones that use one round per shot because the way 5So6 works is that it adds 2 to whatever you expended when it triggers, and only for the weapon in Sal’s right hand. This works different from Inconceivable because when that activates the shot is free regardless of the amount of ammo that’s been expended. But the advantage of 5So6 is that if you have the right gear you end up adding ammo to your magazine so the result is a potentially endless magazine, and with the bonuses to fire rate you get from Hoarder you end up killing enemies with a wall of bullets.

None of this is to say that you can’t kill shit fast with Hoarder and using a DPUH or any other weapon that expends a lot of ammo every trigger pull because you can. I’m just saying that if you truly wanted to play a Hoarder build the way it was meant to be played you’ll need to consider other gears. Look for weapons that 1) Fire one round per shot; and 2) Have a large magazine. Take your Slagga for example. It fires three projectiles per shot and has a massive magazine. That’s why it works so good for you.

Skill wise, the only skill that is questionable is I’m Ready Already because that becomes redundant in a lot of situations due to the effectiveness of Get Some. Your cooldown will be filled up sometimes before you even end Gunzerk given a dense enough mobbing area so I’m Ready Already is wasted. Not a big deal though because I think the rest of your build is quite solid.

Also, you didn’t mention Grenade and Relic choices.

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Valid point, but when I hit the skill button, I quite literally do not let go of the triggers, so regardless of the gun I’m using, ammo usually gets spent pretty quickly. The bullet regen is really just another positive to the mod; I like it because of the buff to both options in fire rate.

The main reason I have 5 shots or 6 is because I do use the slagga and bitch quite often. Instead of respec’ing my skill points every time I want to change styles, it’s nice to be able to kind of just “go” with it, you know?

As far as Get Some is concerned, you are correct. But it kind of goes back to what I said above in addition to what I wrote in the original post. If I’m not able to chain together enough kills and I’m not fighting a raid boss, then I can’t always rely solely on YKY and IRA. It just gives me that added “safety net” to ensure that I can gunzerk whenever I want to gunzerk. I’ve played around with getting rid of it and instead investing a few points to get down to “All out of bubblegum”, but it really wan’t all that worth it or all that special to me. I completely see what you’re saying though.

Thanks for the feedback

Was gonna say the exact same thing as @BookEmDano but he beat me to it :wink: guess we’ve both graduated from the same Gunzerking school :smile:

Anyway, he’s right: you’re better off with a Leg. Gunzerker COM if you want to stick to the Harold, otherwise, guns that use only one bullets per shot are what the Hoarder COM is about. I personally like the Lyuda, Kitten and the Butcher with it. If you want to stick to both the Harold and the Hoarder COM, I would suggest you stick to a non-DP Harold to get a bit more Synergy out of 5so6… It might actually INCREASE your DPS in this case since the extra bullets are a flat number, so they represent a bigger proportion on a gun that eats 3 ammo per shot instead of 6.

There are other good places to put the points from ImRA besides OoBG. All in the reflex is one, and maxing out 5so6 or Incite. A single point in auto-loader is also a nice investment. :slight_smile:

Good point. My favorite to use is the Intense Harold. Such a small fire rate increase on the gun card but it is quite massive in game. Second, would be Explicit because the added bullet speed makes it handle better and really helps get bullets on moving targets easier.

Great choices. I’ll throw out Lead Storm, Omen, and Vladof Blasters as ones that I regularly use.

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I love the L. Hoarder mod in general, particularly with an ammo hog like the DPUH but when I want to continuously gunzerk then a L. Gunzerker mod is what I use. Heck, even with the Deputy Sal build I can still clear an entire mob on a single gunzerk and be recharged before it wears out (and the only major switch I’d make with your build is All In the Reflexes instead of I’m Ready Already). With the +action skill cool down rate of the com and +10 in Last Longer and Yippie Ki Yay continuous gunzerking will be a breeze…