Zer0 Costume Build

So, to go with my Anarchist prop, I’ve started making a Zer0 costume (from the helmet down.)

The helmet should be the hardest thing out of the whole costume, so it’ll probably take some time to finish while working on the Anarchist as well.

here’s some pics of the helmet so far:

Pepakura base helmet. This particular file (can’t remember where I downloaded it from) was designed for thick craft foam, so had no tabs and no visor. I had to find a separate visor file and work some stuff out for it to work, but it did eventually.

there’s a bit of a jump here, as I forgot to take photos :stuck_out_tongue:

I used resin and news paper to harden the inside, and painted resin on the outside to harden the whole thing.

then i sprayed it black to see where the imperfections were. There were a lot.

So next step will be to cover it with filler, then a hell of a lot of sanding :open_mouth:


Looks pretty cool. You can try adding a layer of E-paper on his visor so you can start rendering all the emotes he makes.

got the face screen sorted - EL-plate.
It won’t change picture, but it’ll glow with a red 0

I’ll post a picture when I have soldered it all :smile: