Welcome to the home of the “Ice Breaker Fl4k” build! This style of play is fast-paced, dynamic, and just straight up fun. Leave your enemies weak and immobile, and then go stealth and collect some heads!
Here’s the build in action!
-WEAPONS- (Don’t have all anointments yet!)
- ACTION SKILL END - Gain 15% life steal for short time.
High ROF means lots of Hunter Skill stacks. Bullet regen/ricochet means we don’t reload. Frozen baddies means easy headshots and hard CC. We want this gun and we want it in cryo! There are a few acceptable alternates incase of accessibility or Mayhem trouble:
Crossroads - this little smg is nasty! It burst-fires like a Dahl and kicks out lots of pellets, fast. Things will get frozen, and you’ll get lots of Hunter/Head Count procs. may have to get up close though…
Butcher - To be honest with you, this x3 pellet shotty may be a bit faster at grabbing hunter stacks than the Lucian’s Call! With LNT, this gun REALLY does whatever it wants in terms of effective mag size. Lock n’ Load, and embrace the RNG!
- ACTION SKILL END - Weapon damage +100% for short time.
The money shot. The Overkill skill from the Enforcer Guardian tree interacts with this gun’s ~40K base damage to stack power on consecutive kills to 500K or more. But should you have trouble getting it to drop or get hit with a shotgun nerf on M3:
The Hunt(er/ed) - Bolt-action, iron-sight sister rifles that benefit from +175% damage vs. creatures (inc. humans) or robots. Situational.
- The Hunt(er) is preferable, as there are more “creature” enemies overall. You are also less likely to contend with the “Physical vs. Armor” penalty.
Monocle - Think inverse OPC. Jakobs sniper featuring an inflated crit bonus. The zoom is EXTREME. Play this one at range or “no-scope” it F4ZE style!
- ACTION SKILL END - Weapon damage +125% vs. badass/boss/named for short time.
You should be grabbing these in single and double shot for every element like they’re going out of style just to cover all your bases. This is the definitive boss-killer right now for most classes/builds and Fl4k is no exception. I personally prefer the “Annexed” (x2) prefix w/ “Vicious” (extended mag) variant for the synergy with Head Count, but single shot can be more ammo efficient with LNT. On average, incendiary is your best bet if you’re not much of a collector. Radiation can be fun too!
The build is pretty well rounded with the above mentioned weapons so the 4th slot is purely supplementary. But you know I’ve got some sweet suggestions for you:
Hellwalker - High Damage, 10-pellet legendary Jakobs shotgun. Always rolls incendiary for increased damage against flesh. This is great for Hunter Kill Skill procs and action skill cooldown. Lightning fast reload too!
King’s/Queen’s Call - Has it’s place outside of GITM spam. With a bit of skill or frozen enemies, consistent headshots shouldn’t be too challenging.
Bangstick - You know the drill. Coat baddies with stickys and let it rip! the DP variant is a total 18 pellets!
Dictator - So. Many. Bullets. This Vladof AR is a proc machine with respectable dps in secondary fire. You’ll lose mobility though so be careful!
Shredifier - This gun is a BAMF. Honestly only Fl4k and Moze have what it takes to use it efficiently. Insane ROF and monstrous mag size. Look for the x2 variant.