Drops from the Snowman himself?

We all know about the loot train and it’s ability to dish out good stuff. The snowman himself drops a nice little pile of gear, usually has a purple or two. Anyone ever seen a legendary or pearl from him? Is it possible? I’ve had world drops in poop piles multiple times, never seen anything from him though.

Not personally, although I haven’t farmed him as extensively as some have. Like you, the best I’ve seen is purple (and that was either a skin or a COM iirc)

I’ve heard of someone (in the old forums) getting a (DP)UH from him. Now we might see them more often as he drops quite a bit but it will still be a rarity.

I have probably farmed the train between 500 and 1000 times and he has never dropped a legendary or a pearl.

I imagine he can drop them, but with the low rate that everything else can at random. Just remember, 3 x a low number is still a low number.

It’s possible. I’ve never gotten a drop from him myself, but I know of one person that has for sure.

One person? Out of ALL the BL2 players? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

All joe-king aside, I guess that means that he’s classed in one of the lower pools so his odds of dropping a legendary are slim.


I have gotten a Legendary Psycho COM from him throughout my many runs. I actually posted it in the item finds of the day a few months ago

You probably have a better chance getting something from all those little Snowmen that spawn in that area (combined) then you do from the Snowman himself, at least statistically speaking. I have never seen him drop anything legendary. But at least he is relatively easy to kill. I also recommend breaking all of the Bullymong piles in the area. I got an OP8 Onslaught Bearcat (Slag) with near perfect parts from one of those Bullymong piles, on the way to fight the Snowman.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


I also like to head out of town down to the frozen river and hang right to the large snowman/bullymong fight: found some good drops after that, and it exposes a red chest right at the far end.

It seems crazy that plenty of people (including myself) have found legendaries/pearls in poo piles, lockers, dumpsters, ammo crates, cardboard boxes, etc., and only a couple people have seen one drop from him.

Got a hornet from him. You may now worship me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tinder most likely has many rarity-locked drops so only a few actually have a chance of being Legendary.
BNK-3R for example drops many random guns from the destroyed turret and almost every random Legendary I’ve seen from myself and others came from there instead of the many more it drops immediately after death.
I think I’ve seen an Avenger from the initial drop however so it’s not completely impossible (but I am not too sure, it’s been years since then)

Apparently, there is another Red Chest in the opposite direction of the snowman / bullymong fight.


Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

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Would a drop from him simply be a world drop? I’ve had better luck with those from the bullymong pile that spawns in his arena. Legendary Psycho COM, my mind was blown

I…can’t believe I’ve never noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out!

That just blew my mind! (Get it?!)

I was leveling up a siren a few days ago and he dropped a crap parts level 70 Harold. Only legendary I’ve ever seen him drop. Months ago found a dastardly Unforgiven in the Bullymong pile at the top of the elevator

I have goten a legendary grenade and psycho mod