Most Underutilized Game Mechanic?

Just for poops and giggles, what do you think is the most underutilized game mechanic?

My opinion is rather simple: grenades. Awesome in normal, still useful in TVHM, questionable in UVHM (but I always throw at least 3 so I still find them highly effective). I always see a lot of people on the forums recommend transfusion grenades, but my co-op gameplay experience says otherwise. Every time I see people hold down whatever button they use to grab all the ammo at once, the grenades are always left. Every…single…time.


Critical hits so powerful and so many people settle for body shots


I crit when I can, but if I’m in FFYL and the enemy is too far away or too squirrely, body shots are good enough.

Dem Jackobs sniper rifles :smiley:


Element matching.

Everybody wanna DPUH/bee cause they can’t be bothered to swap to an appropriate weapon.


Critical Ascension!!! that skill ALONE has made me a crit king with any other character



Just kidding its way too overused (not to mention needed) -_-


My Sawbar, it does nothing to Scorch!

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I don’t swap elements, I swap Jakobs.


Stealth: not floating around an active battle in Decepti0n, but actual map infiltration without alerting the enemies. It’s tricky and not like the “real” stealth mechanics in other games that specialize in this, but BL2 provides its own variety of this. Crossing from one side of Opportunity to the other without being seen is fairly easy. Getting into Bloodshot Stronghold is much less so. I’m still working on this myself, since you have to let them spot you at least twice before you can progress (which means you then have to lose them). If I ever get through to the end of the Bloodshot Ramparts without being seen (other than the mandatory times to get doors open), I’ll let you know. :ghost:


What’s a body shot? :blconfused:
For myself, I think melee is fairly underutilized once you hit TVHM.


Holy crap how have I never tried this…

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Cause it’s impractical and near impossible in 99% of maps? Do wish there was a better stealth system but it’s not too bad really.

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Unless you’re Zero :slight_smile:


I see nothing, you have no proof! :blzzzzzz: :satisfied:

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I can get to Satan’s Suckhole in Bloodshot Stronghold without anyone seeing me, but getting past that undetected has been most difficult. It’s just a novel thing to do in the game mostly, but there’s a reason it’s under utilized.

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To add to your point a bit, target privatization and enemy awareness. I see so often people just run blind into enemies and start shooting and never turn or look to see what spawns are where.

Cursed Pirates for example are not that scary if you are paying attention and see them coming but if they get the drop on you its pretty much game over.

Enemies with elemental guns can be very scary as well, there are a lot of examples of this beyond the very large and obvious BA enemy.

Not quite the stealth but paying attention to what you are shooting.


@Adabiviak Sounds interesting as a something to do when everything else has already been done. Not sure about the “not shooting enemies part” though.

@Derch “Taking cover” would have been my second. It’s one thing if you’re playing Sal or Krieg and are actually able to stand in the middle of a massive firefight. It’s another when you’re not and they rush in anyway and then I still feel obligated to try and revive them even though I know I’ll likely go down in the process too.

@P_Anarchist Caaaaaause in UVHM melee doesn’t do anything unless you have a melee focused build. Even in TVHM it’s not great for non melee builds unless the target was already slagged and it’s a crit. Normal mode? Sure, I’ll boop an enemy if it’s nearby and I have to reload.

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The idea of having a bazillion weapons in the game and a variety of skill builds to chose from- until you hit UVHM/OP1-8…


Though better off Jakobs for a while caught quite a bit of flack in the past. I may or may not of had a hand in changing that viewpoint around but I am sure in the grand scope of things the company is looked down upon by the majority of the Borderlands 2 player base.


I’m a big fan of barrels. I don’t think there were quite enough barrels in Borderlands 2.