Character Concept: Nina, the Patriot (Done)

Howdy, Idk why, but I really want Nina to fill the Juggernaut/Berserker role in the next Borrderlands. There’s a lot of room to work with knowing her history with Comrade Vladof, which very well might be the reason she would come out from hiding and return to her asskicking ways. I would like her to be designed as A Not Stupid Salvador, where she actually has a workable theme that isn’t just one ridiculously broken skill. So ya.

#Nina the Patriot
[color=white]Action Skill:[/color] Burning Determination

Fueled by her determination and love for her motherland, Nina enters a state of fury in which her Health cannot be reduced below 1. While she is in this state, she gains additional Damage and Fire Rate based on her missing Health.

Gun Damage: +0.5 % Per 1% Health Missing
Fire Rate: +1% Per 1% Health Missing
Duration: 10 Seconds

Cooldown: 60 Seconds

###[color=lime]The People's Hammer[/color]

Tier 1: “First Aid” - Upon killing an enemy, you have a chance to drop a Health Vial in front of you.

Health Drop Chance: 15%/Level

Tier 1 “Speedy Surgeon” - Increases Weapon Swap Speed and Bullet Speed

Weapon Swap Speed: +4%/Level
Reload Speed +4%/Level

Tier 2 “Quick Pick-Me-Up” - Whenever you revive someone, both you and your ally gain increased
Movement Speed for a short time. Also, Extends FFYL.

Movement Speed Boost: +5%/Level
Death Time: +5%/Level

Tier 2: “Unorthodox Healing Methodology” Increases Grenade Damage. All grenades you throw spawn Healing Orbs that seek out and heal you and your allies.

Number of Healing Orbs: 1 + 1/Level
Grenade Damage: +6%/Level

Tier 3 Gamechanger: “Booster Shot” - Melee Augmentation: Your Melee attack is now a Syringe that Heals allies and applies a Corrosive DoT to enemies.

Health Restore: 30%
Corrosive Damage: 2% of Targets Health/Sec (Prior to Elemental Resist)

Tier 4: “Agress-toration” - You can now shoot your allies to heal them, based on your Gun Damage.

Health Restore: 2% of Gun Damage/Level

Tier 4: “Triumph” Increases Gun Damage and Mag Size. Comrades get half of this bonus.

Mag Size: +4%/Level
Gun Damage: +4%/Level

Tier 5: Iron Will - Grants Damage Reduction. Also, you take a percentage of the damage your allies receive instead of them

Damage Reduction 5%/Level
Damage Redistrubution: 5%/Level

Tier 5 Gamechanger - “The Sword of Damocles” - Once during “Burning Determination” You can select and enemy with the [Action Skill] Button. All Damage dealt to that target from all sources is increased.

Damage Increase: 15%

Tier 5: “Pacifism” While you are not dealing Damage to enemies, you gain additional Movement Speed and Fire Rate. Bonuses are instantly lost upon Damaging an enemy.

Fire Rate: +8% /Level
Movement Speed: +10%/Level

Tier 6 Capstone “Rallying Call” - Upon Activating “Burning Determination” You let loose a Battle Cry that instantly revives all downed allies. Allies revived in this way gain increased Fire Rate and Gun Damage.

Gun Damage: +30%
Fire Rate: +30%


Tier 1: “From the Motherland” - Increases Mag Size and Fire Rate of Vladof Weaponry

Fire Rate: +6% /Level
Mag Size: +4 /Level

Tier 1: “Bandolier” - Whenever you fire your weapon,you have a chance to add another bullet from your pool to the Magazine. This chance is based on the amount of Ammo Missing from your magazine.

Ammo Add Chance: +0.1%/Level Chance per Missing Ammo [Note: At 5/5, If your Magazine exceeds 200, you will never need to Reload]

Tier 2: “Hallow Point” - Your Non-Elemental Weapons have a chance to bypass your enemy Shields.

Shield Pierce Chance: +10%/Level

Tier 2: “Civil Unrest”- Kill Skill: Killing an enemy increases your Action Skill Cooldown Rate

CD Rate:+5%/Level

Tier 3 Gamechanger: “Stand Your Ground” If you crouch, you lock your position and deploy a tactical bipod that drastically reduces your recoil. Press the Crouch button again to regain movement

Recoil Reduction: +75%

Tier 4: “Rocketeer” - Kill Skill. Upon killing an enemy, your bullets have a chance to deal bonus Explosive Damage

Explosive Damage: 25 + 5% of Gun Damage
Explosive Damage Chance: 10% Per Level

Tier 4: “Stand United” - Increases Fire Rate based on how many bullets are missing from the Magazine.

FR: Up to 12% /Level (~.12% per % Mag Missing)

Tier 5: “Hammer and Sickle” - Increases Accuracy when you’re hip firing. Increases Gun Damage while you’re Aiming down the Sights.

Critical Hit Damage: +6%/Level
Accuracy +8%/Level

Tier 5 Gamechanger: “Gather the Masses” - Doubles Your Mag Size, Halves Your Reload Speed [Consider this as a spec mult at the end of the Mag Size/Reload Speed Calculation]

Tier 5: “Equalize the Aristocracy” - Your weapons can no longer Critical Hit. Instead, all shots will receive a constant Damage boost [Note this will replace your Crit modifier with a consistent, smaller, multiplier]

Bonus Damage: 20+10% per Level [Note at 5 Levels, all ARs (Asuming no Crit in Build), will be doing more damage with every shot than they would have with crits]

Tier 6 Capstone “Ruthless” - The longer you fire your weapons the more damage they do

Bonus Damage +1% Damage per ammo spent, up to 500% [Note this is different from Laser continuous damage where you need to constantly be hitting, this bonus resets when you STOP Firing (either when you reload or let up on the trigger)]


Tier 1: “Bulwark” - Increases Max Health and Shield Recharge Delay

Max Health +10%/Level
Shield Recharge Delay: +.5s/Level

Tier 1: “Steadfast” - Taking Damage Increases Movement Speed for a few Seconds

Movement Speed: +6% /Level

Tier 2: “Resolute” - When “Burning Determination” ends, you gain bonus Health Regen.

Health Regeneration: +3% Health/Second /Level

Tier 2 “Force of Will” - While you are below 50% Health, your Action Skill Cooldown Rate is Increased.

CD Rate: +5%/Level

Tier 3 Gamechanger: “Bloodwater” - Converts 30% of your Shield Capacity into Health

Tier 4: “Siege Cannon” - You deal more Damage to enemies with more Health than you

Damage: +5%/Level to Targets with a higher % Health Total [Example you at Half health deal more Damage to a Full Health Badass until his % is lower than yours]

Tier 4: “Undying” - Increases duration of “Burning Determination”

Action Skill Duration: +1 Second/Level

Tier 5: “Fragility of Progress” - When your Shield is depleted, You gain increased Fire Rate and Recoil Reduction until your shield recharges.

Fire Rate: 3%/Level
Recoil Reduction: 7%/Level

Tier 5 Gamechanger: “Nerves of Steel” - Any Damage that you take that would do less than 50% of your maximum Health does 50% less damage [Example You have 100 Health, Bullet does 40, it now does 20]

Tier 5: “Stockpile” - You now regenerate Ammo. This Bonus is Doubled when you are below 50% Health

Bullet Regeneration: 2 + .2/Level

Tier 6 Capstone: “Supernova”- During “Burning Determination”, you are immune to all Elemental Effect Damage. When “Burning Determination” Ends, you release an Incendiary Nova that does Damage based on how much Damage you would have received during “Burning Determination”


" Enemies revived in this way gain increased Fire Rate and Gun Damage."

Might want to fix that

Revolution could focus on fire rate and synergy with vladof guns. Also I am pretty sure Nina worked at Anshin before she left. Perhaps focus on using Anshin Shields rather than Pangolin ones?

Already ahead of you, the middle tree is specifically called Revolution cuz of Vladof spinigun barrels. I aim to make the middle tree turn her into a GOD with High FR and High Mag Size weapons. cuz we all need some AR love.

Revolution looks pretty damn awesome, really like the concept of stand your ground. Unrelenting could focus on a melee with a hammer and sickle? Or using your health and getting resistances to tank rather than using shields to follow anshin traditions? Maybe even have a shield version of sponsored by? I think amp pangolins would be cool, or explosive/elemental novas, but that could take a lot of work and may not be practical.

It’s planned to be a tank tree focused on Health and her action skill

Wow, I would love to try out that middle tree… I’d want max points in every single skill. Love the 'Equalize the Aristocracy" - super thematic, super useful

Should be done now, let me know what you guys think. I’'ll make a bit prettier later just wanted to get the ideas out first.

Some Key Synergies that I would like to point out:
Rallying Cry + Quick Pick-Me-Up
Agress-toration + Revolution Tree
Triumph + From the Motherland + Gather the Masses + Stockpile + Bandolier + Stand United + Ruthless
First Aid + Unorthodox Healing Methodology + Resolute (The “Oh Sh!t I have 1 Health” Combo)
Pacifism + Agress-toration + Booster Shot (Also good for not giving a fk and running through places)
Iron Will + Steadfast + Force of Will + Siege Cannon + Fragility of Progress + Stockpile + Supernova
Vladof/Scav/ARs + Revolution Tree
Bulwark + Bloodwater + Fragility of Progress + Resolute + Unorthodox Healing Methodology + Nerves of Steel
Anshin Shields (Traditionally Middling Shields with crap Recharge Rate and +Health) + Unrelenting Tree

I would also like to note the lack of synergy with Shotguns and Pistols (which are undeniably two of if not the best weapon classes for like 90% of classes) other than High Mag Size Scav/Vladof Variants (I would also say Hyperion for FR but their Reload would be disgustingly long with Gather the Masses and Nina also has a lot of recoil reduction that fks with the Hyperion Gimmick), and Jakobs weaponry (Another extremely high up Manufacturer for Most Classes, Nina having ZERO crit bonuses and Anti-Synergy between their gimmick and Ruthless).

Theres also some OK Tediore synergy with Gather the Masses (Toss an Apocalypse Every 4 or so Seconds)

I was going to add specific Spinigun synergy with Spool-Up Time boosts, but I felt it was a bit too specific

I also want to add that there is no Co-Op Mandate Entry Level on her Support Skill Tree, also there’s a natural point within the tree where Non-Coop players can stop progressing without losing out on a skill that matters to them.