A few things I'm curious about


  • Do kills by the Impaler’s acid bullets count towards the Spike Shield challenge, or do the kills have to be strictly counter-melee?

  • When tossing a Tesla or Storm Front grenade in the Minecraft area in Caustic Caverns, why do the bolts scratch at the blocks, yet do absolutely nothing to them?

  • When throwing a Homing grenade or Deliverance, why does it trip Firemelons (w/o being destroyed) yet bounce off barrels?

  • Why does Axton’s Longbow turret reflect off an enemy instead of stopping/dropping right next to them?

  • If Gaige throws a Deliverance and it dive-bombs an enemy, do “Close Enough” and “Nth Degree” kick in?

  • Why does activating Deathtrap sometimes cause a GOD-liath to go catatonic? It’s been happening a bit as of late in UVHM, and seems Gaige-exclusive – dunno if it happens with Zero’s Deception, but it definitely doesn’t work with Axton’s turret(s).

Here’s a weird one – invisible platforms. For the record, forget the Goliaths – that’s pretty much standard:

However, it’s a bit unexplainable with Scorch. I know the smaller Spiderants can jump, but big ones like Gallant Spiderants and Scorch are completely incapable of jumping. Which doesn’t explain how this happened. I blew past him to collect the Lascaux, throwing both turrets onto the cave ceiling on my way in, then killing everything between them and the SMG and back again. When I get back to the entrance, I got ready to take him on because he was hot on my heels. I hear my turrets firing despite the entranceway being clear – and then I start taking fireballs from on high, I look up at my turrets to find Scorch PJ’d into the ceiling and scraping my turrets. And when my turrets timed out, he drops back down like nothing weird happened.

I can’t answer any of those but I think I can add one- kills with the Kerblaster don’t count as AR kills but rather as explosive IIRC. Why not make them count as both?

The acid bullets count towards the Spike Shield challenge, yes.

It’s because of the projectile it fires. The Kerblaster doesn’t fire a regular bullet like most ARs do.

Thanks for all input/info, guys. And I do recall hearing something that about the Kerblaster, but it was read so long ago that I couldn’t piece the two together.

For the minecraft blocks, I imagine it’s the same as why you can’t destroy them by bullets. The game recognizes that it’s a destructible object and the grenade strikes it as though it were one. It just can’t destroy it, because you’ve got to punch-mine it :stuck_out_tongue:

More importantly - how did you get the freakin’ bulleted list to work in your post? :open_mouth:

@Adabiviak: I stumbled onto it (and a few others), actually, while testing the formatting from GameFAQs and dA to see what worked/didn’t.

[UPDATE] I just found this: [Guide] Color Codes for Build Builders