Did they change the gangster lean some pistols had?

Did they change some of the Dahl pistols so they’re held upright? I had the AAA and nemesis that were tilted kinda sideways while ads and now they’re all upright. I enjoyed the tilt and was bummed when I pulled em’ outta my vault.

If you haven’t already, try changing the gun’s mode. That’s a Dahl special sight.

to add to this, it’s been a while since i’ve seen a vladof AR that use the secondary sight on the side. it were a cool touch… i pretty often find ARs that has it, but it’s never actually used. is it dependant on the main sight / scope or is it dependant on the underbarrel?

I found a Dahl pistol that had this sight. It may be something specific to pistols, but I can’t confirm that.

Found a lvl50 Dahl pistol with a 1.5x/5x scope that switches between leaning and the 5x ads. It also has a -20% accuracy. Must be sight specific.