Boss event week - pain and terror bugged?

sooo… it says we can get legendary class mods from pain and terror. so i started farming yesterday, killed him like 20 times so far. not a single class mod dropped. i only had 1 legendary weapon. yes, 1 legendary, rest only green/blue and a purple sometimes. whats going on?

edit: tvhm mayhem 3 of course


Same here

I got some mods but none were not legendary. I farmed him quite a bit too.

I farmed Katagawa and he dropped a few, ashame his fight is super boring

yep. i picked pain&terror cause im playing amara with the cutsman. imagine killing katagawa with the cutsman :joy:

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Kill Katagawa with anything is a Pain & Terror

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I eventually got a mod after 20-30 runs. Of course it fell through the floor though. Lol

Lost loot machine is op, but it couldn’t save me from the mod being for a different character.

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I don’t who’s worse Katagawa being broken or Pain & Terror not dropping anything