Hidden Weapon Changes?

I’ve been using an Echo for around two weeks now and it’s one of my new favorite guns in this game. Latest hot fix nerfed Torgue pistols by 10% which is sad, but I don’t really mind the change. But I recently noticed that my Echo no longer shows “Stuck Gyrojets increase damage by 30% each” at the bottom of the weapon card like it used to. When did this happen? I haven’t seen any patch or hot fix notes mention nerfing my boy.

I tested to see if maybe this was just a visual bug, but the effect no longer works while the hot fix is active. When I open up bl3 offline, the text is back and it seems to work normally. I’m a little upset by this nerf, but the weapon is still decent without it I guess.

I’ve read that there have been other nerfs to various weapons that were not included in any patch or hot fix notes, but if I’m wrong and this was addressed in one of them please inform me. Now I wonder what other weapons have been secretly nerfed/buffed in the recent changes.

I just noticed that “Stuck Gyrojets increase damage by 30% each” changed to “Stuck Gyrojets increase damage by 5% each” on my weapon, was 30% just 12 hours or so ago.

But the worst is that the game now stu…stut…stutte.stutters on every camera turn on the Xbox One X which makes it literally unplayable for me now. What ever they changed without any notice, broken something that was fine before, I played about 40 hours and it for sure didn’t stutter like this because stutters like this is something I do not tolerate.

I knew that the stuck gyrojets bonus seems off on other weapons. So they nerf Torgue pistols by 10% and nerf the bonus sticky damage too? Torgue would not approve of this.

I’m on Xbox too and haven’t had too much stuttering, at least not any more other than the menu lag and random stuttering when playing that have always been there. I’m playing offline without the hot fix though, so maybe that might be the reason? Either way I hope they do more fixing and buffing, and less nerfing in the future.