A Backburner Challenge Bug?

I am at level 64 on PC and trying to do the “Make Yourself at Home” challenge. One of the 5 Echo units does not appear. I found 4 units and got a bit frustrated when I couldn’t find the 5th so I looked online to find the location. The missing Echo unit should be on the table , up the steps, under the umbrella and next to the bunk bed (almost above the Fast Travel station). I have tried Quit/Save, Continue a few times but it does not reappear. Is there any way I can complete this challenge?

Without spoiling too much and if I’m not mistaken, I can tell you that more ECHO recorders will appear as you progress through the main story of the dlc. Some of them are tied to specific characters, so you’ll have to wait until they make their way to the Backburner.

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