Never lose loads of money again when dying

if you don’t want to lose money just make another profile and use that profile to store your money,just use trade function in splitscreen,once your other profile has the money just exit that profile from game,then when you won’t money back just log in other profile into split screen and trade back…never lose loads of money again.


Congratulations on posting a duplication post, which breaks the rules here.

Money is easy to earn in BL3. Ammo is cheap, items in vending machines are cheap, respec fee is always 10% the same as respawn fee. You probably will buy all the SDU upgrades before turning 50. There is no need for doing some shady tricks.


You can’t lose money if you don’t have any money.


sorry did not no this,didn’t know about being against any rules,i thought i was being helpful oh well

well, except it has nothing to do with duplication. as others said it’s not really necessary as there’s too much money thrown around anyway, but this isn’t duplicating in the slightest.

The best Part is, Money is earned even wenn you maxed it out.
You still collect Money it´s just not shown.
Yesterday while farming i reached the Max and somewhene i died.
The Cost was shown but still max Amount of Cash.
Playing an theSlotmachines, i never got under Max.
Money is definetly no Problem in BL3.

Laughed harder than I should have, your killing me with these posts XD.

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No worries man that’s pretty clever and it’s not against any forums rules and is definitely not a duplication glitch. Some folks got nuthin better to do but to troll themselves.

This can be pretty handy for lower levels but yeah once you start getting up there you’ll have plenty of month rolling in.

He didnt mention anything about duping.

He said what any player does who has played borderlands before.

EVERYONE has mules if you have been playing this game at all for a long time.

I currently have 3 mules with max cash and full bank

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I’ve been playing since the OG Borderlands first came out and I’ve never had a mule.

But I’m definitely the exception and not the rule here. Most of my friends all have mule accounts.


But seeing as your an old vault hunter, you understand what I am saying

And you also have to be laughing at alot of posts on here like I’ve been.

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Laughing, cringing, sighing; I do it all on a 10 minute interval when scrolling through these forums.


Same here

Thanks, It’s a great way to help out with early game characters as later on money really isn’t an issue. I always appreciate help even if obvious :->

I couldn’t agree more .

Who cares? Money is useless in this game. Same as Eridium. There’s literally no use for it after a week of playing. If you ever need some for some odd reason, then put a homing cash grenade on an infinite grenade Moze and you’ll earn 10 million in one battle.