Calypso Twins Rewrite or Discussion

idk where to post this in the categories so I’m putting it in Fan Creations cuz it kinda is.
TL,DR: The Calypso Twins sucks as villains. Little to no motivations with echo recordings being the only backstory that isn’t even hinted at in the story. Here’s my interpretation.

The Calypso Twins seems likes they were made as last minute additions. They could have worked well as villains if they were given a better story. Here I’m just adding my own spin on them for what I think makes them better. Leave some thoughts or just give your own opinion on the matter. Maybe make your own rewrite.

So both or one of them feel constant hunger and pain. The only way to neutralize this pain is to feed off of other living things for short-term satisfaction. This can give them reasoning for openings the vaults as Typhon told them the stories of the vaults as children holding powerful beings.

Additionally, their relationship with their father need some improvements. Typhon did literally nothing to get hate from his kids. Could have made him obsessed with Eridium civilization after the death of his wife to the point of neglecting his own children. Possibly even hitting Tyreen in the face with his whip, creating her face scars, maybe a little too much. This as well as losing their mother can in turn, cause them to create the COV for a semblance of a family.

Troy is obvious pickings for betrayal. The guy is a punch bag for his sis, first thing his sister said about him is him being a parasite. Although with some care for him as she tried saved his life from Maya, either for herself or for family idk. At first, I thought Troy was gonna leech his own sis at the end for all the power for himself. They even hinted it when he got Maya’s power and phaselocked the character. Troy was more confident and was ecstatic to not be in his sister’s shadow. However, that didn’t happen.

Troy can possibly be fixed by showing him be judged by his sis as this abomination of a being. Being lucky to be born at all, let alone as the universe’s first male “siren”.

If we’re going for a more emotional? Route. We can have Troy be a weak twin that is suffering from said effects above. His sister could be helping him by finding a way to cure it. Creating this familial relationship with each other as they only have each other to cope with things.

The whole God thing could be scrapped entirely or be added on after the scene with The Rampager, where tasting the power and life essence of the beast overflows them with tremendous ecstasy and power that surpasses all sirens. Essentially making them addicted to life essence of living things and wanting more power. This also can explain why they have so much power compared to the main group, almost one shotting Lilith. Taking siren powers can still happen but idk where or when it can happen.

Again, leave your thoughts and leave your own rewrites if you want.

Even Typhen said he was a horrible father so yeah Typhen definitely did something to deserve the hatred he got from his kids, he was a ■■■■■■ parent by his own admission.

Personally I think the twins writing was great, they were new and as the story went on we got to know them better and see what their true motivation was. They spent their lives isolated away from society while getting to hear stories of their father’s adventurous life and how he got to interact with so many fascinating planets/vaults/sires along the way. They basically wanted to be what their father talked about throughout their lives if you want to look at it that way.

The only character that was really annoying was Ava imo.

Its funny how AJ and a bunch of other streamers complain about the calypsos when they are a fairly precise caricature of how streamers act.

I loved the idea of the twins but their writing felt really PG and in a adult game that just made them feel really cringey. They completely lost the Borderlands feel.

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I never really got the impression that the twins hated Typhon? Unless I missed something somewhere, it mostly seemed like they just felt entitled to power because they were Sirens, not really caring about what Typhon thought. They learned so much from their old man about the power of the Vaults and they wanted that power. It was their birth right.

As for the twins’ dynamic, I overall enjoyed what was presented. Even though Tyreen bullied Troy, it seemed like they were still tight. At first I thought betrayal of some kind would happen, but I took the results as more of just a shift in dynamic. The balance of power had changed for the first time in their lives, so they it makes sense how they acted.

Now, for an ACTUAL rewrite idea; I think Tyreen should’ve been the one to die instead of Troy during his boss fight. He takes it too far and drains her. Probably have the cutscene show him saying things like “We did it, Ty, we did it!.. Ty?” Focus on that for a bit, him realizing what he’s done. He takes the rest of her powers and swears to finish what they started.

The story can honestly play out about the same after that, just with Troy instead of Tyreen. He felt like the more fleshed out of the two, so you could get some real emotion from him here.

The Destroyer fight would make a bit more sense, too. He’s emotionally unstable and has little control or understanding of his powers, so he ends up fusing with the Destroyer. The design even makes more sense, since he’s already missing his right arm. Also the pun should have been too good to pass up. Come on, Gearbox, it’s the DisTROYer.

Sorry for the ramble, I just really enjoy discussing the writing.

So addressing the thoughts in this thread.

While Typhon does address that he is a bad father. We really don’t see the how in it. The guy didn’t do anything wrong to his kids. Sure they hated him for not allowing them to leave, but that makes them the most crybaby villains ever. Which I guess can be what they’re aiming for, but that doesn’t excuse the horrendous character development. Parody or not.

You know Ava also seems like a shoehorn as well. She literally doesn’t do anything too aside snapping Maya out of existence. Seems like she needs own rewrite, an eraser.

I know their suppose to mimic Streamers but like come on. Don’t bring the story down too.

Yeah with our vague their backstories were. It can go anywhere with their childhood. Honestly, Troy does seem the most developed of the 2, still don’t know why Gearbox didn’t just use them more as actual characters other than plot devices though.