Besides giving you a drone for extra damage and support is this shield good enough for Mayhem Mode? Feel like the damage adds up with the Jabber pet if you play as FL4K. Or with Zane wouldn’t it be 3 pieces of extra damage? If you included his drone and clone too?
Depends on the modifier. I wouldn’t say it’s a great shield but it could have it’s use. Probably works well in bursting down enemies if you can manage to break the shield and then quickly recharge it once the second drone goes away.
I personally think is needs a buff because the drone dmg is nothing in mayhem, its very low for even pre 50 normal. Personally I think it needs a buff or some sort of scaling maybe with Zanes abilities for his drone IDK something. Such a waste to see a cool legendary unusable, really cool concept though. Hopefully they buff it.
Also I can’t even hear it when it talks, bandits or my char or echo is CONSTANTLY talking over it. Id like it to be like the loader one from blands 2 i could hear that one fine. (The voice came from at your char instead of where the drone is). Additionally it needs more voice lines maybe some from the fight or just a some more really, Also cosmetically would be nice if they make the drone look different maybe like mini zane drones if your play zane or mini of the bosses drones.
Agree it needs a buff to at least be above average. Don’t wanna keep running with the Stop-Gap or Transformer all the time. As with most things in this game I’ve found only a select few legendaries are viable in the Mayhem Modes. This is like BL2 all over again.
Good idea. Needs more tests.