Whats next after finishing the story in UVHM?

So what happens after finishing the game (Story) in UVHM? Is that it? Haven’t done most of the side quests but other than that, what else can I do?

Get to max level. Farm bosses for the best gear. Fight the Badass Round of the Holodome to your heart’s content if you have that DLC. Fight the Mutater Arena if you have the Claptastic Voyage DLC. Try a new class. That’s really it.


Yep, what he said.

This game needs more DLC!

Sadly, seeming pretty certain it will never happen.

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Forget this then, I’m moving back to BL2… will leave this alone until an announcement for a new DLC has been made


Oh, I went back to the first Borderlands to finish up the Circle of Duty missions at level 69, then tried to farm Crawmerax. I didn’t get anything too exciting, so I went to BL2 and tried to farm Terramorphous to get his legendary shield (Hide of T). After a couple days and a dozen or so Slayer COMs later, I decided to go back to the Bad Ass Crater of BadAssitude.

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Borderlands gets its hooks in ■■■■■■■ deep!

Yeah TPS really needs more DLC but it’s still relatively new for 4 DLC already. (2 being character classes) BL 2 didn’t have much DLC either outside of the cool holiday specials if you think about it. I’m hoping they will do the same for TPS

I’m with you FlamesForAll they get you good. I have a couple games I’m ignoring also lol. Gotta get TPS all wrapped up before Elder Scrolls Online next month lol Damn addictions lol

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