The Flakker is like it’s BL2 counterpart a massive splash damage medium range shotgun.
You roughly aim at a group of enemies around 3-5 meters away from you and they are gone after the fireworks settle down. The larger the enemy, the more damage it takes.
The downsides of this gun are it’s limited range, slow fire rate, the inability to get critical hits and the 5 ammo cost per shot.
However, with Fl4k you can work around it’s limitations and gain infinite ammo without the need to reload.
Skills needed:
Hunter T1 (3 points): Leave no Trace (36% chance to add ammo to magazine on crit)
Hunter T6 (1 points : Megavore (20% crit chance on any body part)
That’s all, build done. Distribute the rest to your personal liking, although I suggest gun damage and critical effects for obvious reasons.
Since the Flakker hits even a single small enemy 5 to 10 times and larger ones dozens of times, you are guaranteed several critical hits and several bullets loaded directly into your current magazine.
With the right class mod, you increase the ammo gain rate even more, making reloading potentially unnecessary, even with the 5 ammo cost per shot.