Finally hit level 50 with amara. What guardian rank should put on a fist of a elements Amara?
Any tips?
I went with the red tree (Enforcer) but it really kinda doesn’t matter. For the green tree (Hunter) you will want luck and cooldown rate mainly.
The only thing I know is that you don’t want to go down the blue tree (Survivor) all the way. Stop at the player skin, do not take Shield Reboot or Emergency Response. Amara has some builds with roid shields or similar types of things where you want your shields to be depleted more often, and if you take these skills they actually hurt you. Hopefully in the future we can get a way to disable certain perks or Guardian rank altogether to avoid this.
I’ll just say I don’t recommend melee damage. For non-melee builds it’s a waste anyway, and if you’ve got a melee build you’ve got so many additive bonuses already that a few more additive percent won’t do nothing. Like if you’ve got 500% additive already from skills and gear, +10% melee damage will raise that to 510%, an effective damage increase of pathetic 2%.
Action Skill Cooldown is really good. I’d go for like 10% at least before it starts getting deminishing returns. I think its actually higher than it says. Also helps out a lot w/ other characters.
Luck is… well, nobody knows if it really helps or not. Even w/ it capped at 15% using loaded dice, people cant tell any difference in the drops.
Almost every build can benefit from Reload speed, gun damage, and crit dmg, so you can’t really go wrong there. Shield Delay is good for most builds (except for some melee builds on Amara), Max Health, etc.
As fsr as the actual skills go, most arent that great. Action skill cooldown when your shields are full is good, so is being able to ADS in FFYL, and hopefully thr last one in the red tree once it’s fixed. Maybe the last blue one for Moze.