So they nerfed Fl4k but Amara can kill bosses even faster

Amara is currently the fastest boss killer, even before the Fl4k nerf. How do they wanna fix that? I mean, they have to do it, if they keep their current line of “balancing” going.

Not saying that I want that they do it. Annoited weapons with +300% for her ability is even more OP. I am Moze main btw, I know they will also nerf her next.

I wonder what is going on right now at Gearbox. They try so hard to nerf everything but then there is even more unbalanced ■■■■ going on.

I feel like they never tested their end-game. They should have enough experience from BL2 to create 4 balanced Vault Hunters with usefull action skills. It could have been so easy to make the pet/bot better with skills like

  • 150% Shilds and Health get transfered to pet, but you will lose 50% of them
  • damage type of current gun gets transfered to pet
  • pet does 200% damage of your last 5 secs per attack but you do 25% less damage
  • your pet always attacks the target you shoot
  • your pet has reduced damage up to 80%, every damage you receive gets transfered to your pet until it dies

Something like this, they could have been so creative with that and then you could really feel like you need your robot or companion. With the current skill tree they will never be able to make them any good because there is no connection between your pet/robot and gear.

Zane feels like Axton
(half) Fl4k and Moze are like Gaige, worthless action skill pets/robot
Amara is the new Sal, just as OP with the right skills and gear


No game companies test their games anymore.
This should be common knowledge by now, but, WE are the testers.
Don’t you think, if a tester fell through the map after the troy fight, that they would report that and get it fixed right? They didn’t. Since it happens to everyone who fights troy, I know they didn’t just miss it. I know they didn’t even test it!


dood shut up

They can hear you…


Never Nerf.
Blessed are Buffs.
Get that right, Game Devs.


The Amara kill speed of which you speak is due to an exploit with a legendary mod, which will surely get fixed.

And Moze with infinite grenades is absolutely insane. Homing grenades flying around the entire battlefield, and there’s a trick to nearly make her immortal.

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If I hit end game, and I come up with an immortal build, I deserve it.
Don’t go nerfing stuff, instead make the enemies more intelligent/give them ways to counter us.
Creative gameplay rather than forced gameplay please.

I am already bored of all the Bullet sponges on mayhem 3 so now I just farm mobs, I can’t help but feel like the ai in bl3 is kinda weak aside from the lunging into cover thing, which is more annoying than anything else.


I agree, mayhem 3 get’s quite tedious. They should lower the health and resistance buff’s and just increase their damage output. It would make it also lowering their complete Health/armour/shield pool would make all legendaries more usefull … other then just a handfull off broken legendaries.

Oh and reduce particle effects for bazooka badass zealots i can’t see “crap” once they start firing their status effect rpg’s in my face especially in circle off slaughter!


I hate that there is so much nerf talk in a borderlands game. Is this Destiny? Game hasn’t even been out that long, not to mention there’s so many bugs they can fix before worrying about a “broken” class.


lol i never fell through the map after beating Troy, but the last time I did beat him. The game froze during the cutscene and I had three legendaries that dropped… I had to restart the game, was glad that the lost loot caught them.

Commenting in agreement because I’m all outta likes.

you dont seem to have understood the reason they nerfed Flak. They nerfed his crit build because it overshined his other builds too much. in their post they say they nerfed him so that players could explore different builds with him, he never was OP compared to other characters. In my opinion, they shouldve buffed his other builds tho. i cant rly imagine Amara getting nerfed, just because she has MULTIPLE very viable builds. Moze might get hit a little bit because her blastmaster build outshines her other ones so much


bro ive beat troy 4 times for the story so far. fell under the map twice and then one time when the cutscene ended, i was inside a wall next to the vending machines before entering his arena. incredible game

bruh them hardened badass zealots in the slaughter shaft lol. ive had the displeasure of going in without knowing i had the enemies splash radius doubled modifier
happened twice lol was a rip

I lost a bunch of legendaries from falling through the floor on the Troy boss fight, If it ever happens to you don’t use Mozey’s mech while falling, just press crouch to slam and respawn.

I agree with buffing the other builds to make them more viable. FL4Ks pets don’t scale well in Mayhem 3 and from what I saw the Rakks don’t do much damage so of course players would stick with Fade Away. Same kinda goes for Iron Bear. Buff IB, no need to nerf Moze I don’t think. There’s always going to be go to builds no matter what they do.

Last time I checked Moneyshot Sal was still insane in BL2, Zero still had BoRe, Krieg could melee one dude and kill a whole spawn including a boss, Norfleet Gaige, etc.


Indeed , I hate circle off slaughter because of it on mayhem 2/3 , cistern off slaughter aswell with those terodactiles flying all the time almost unhitable on console. Unless they attack you straight from above.

Proving grounds all the way baby!

cistern is aids because of rakks yeah. try bumping your FOV abit. or ignoring that place. bad loot

Even with the rocket spam, Slaughter shaft is by far my favorite content in the game. ive found a very good build with amara to very easily solo it on mayhem 3 when the modifiers arent cucking me too much. it is the hardest content ingame and also in my opinion, the best way to aquire world drops. a full run takes me around 20 minutes and i can expect around 20 legendaries also. those badass and anointed enemies have pretty high legendary drop chance on MH3.

i wouldnt recomend soloing with other characters than amara unless you want to farm for a MH3 modifier that buffs you alot. it is possivle tho.

boss farming is probably still abit better for loot on PC, but with how long the load times are on console, this is for me, by far the best way to farm any anointed world drops

I don’t understand this “You nerfed X, but Z is even stronger!” mentality.

I never quite understood this idea that making a build is this process of in-depth study and research, a quest to unearth hidden knowledge. Dude, you just read. Most people can do that around the age of six or seven. Anyone else with your items can “come up” with your build, it doesn’t deserve recognition.

I get some of the arguments against nerfing things but not this one.


So you think the Amara instakill build should be nerfed because it was so easy to figure out for you?
Or did I misunderstand what your getting at?

I was never asking for recognition, I don’t care about your feelings, I care about the future enjoyment and balance of the game for me and my friends.

In most rpg’s the fun part is finding some ridiculous combination of skills and items, One shot amara, and Immortal Moze are along those lines.

Did you just read a relic you may or may not have gotten and automatically assumed “Yep it’s op” ???

Your response feels childish in nature, give me a better reason for why I am not allowed to be op in endgame. Bl2 allowed you to be Op albeit BeeHawk and Shamfleet were sometimes required.

I’ll accept the loot nerf the day they let us insta respawn bosses without save quitting, and give us skip-able cutscenes. If I am going to be forced to farm I want to be able to do it with friends.