Area of Effect vs. Splash Damage?

Do we know the difference between Area of Effect and Splash Damage? I’ve got a piece of gear that boosts Area of Effect but I have no idea what that actually entails.


Some artefacts grants You an Aura around You that constantly dealing damage (something like this in one of Fl4k skills gamma burst). That’s area of effect.
Splash damage is mostly around explosions.

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so in that case the aura enemies get from radiation counts as an AoE?

If You will walk around enemies with that Aura turned on then Yes, they will be damaged by AoE damage.

Right. Thank you.

No problem :wink:

The only thing that doesn’t make sense about this is that I just received an artifact that boosts AOE damage, but doesn’t grant an aura effect. I’m curious about whether this also applies to explosions because one of the Mayhem Mode modifiers is “enemy explosions have greater area of effect”. I find it unlikely they’d recycle this term for different game mechanics.

Many games use Area of effekt both round explosions and around people…

And the once around people usually have something like Aura or PbAoE (point-blank area of effekt) attached. So that players know which.

If I got something that increased area of effect, then I would assume it was both explosions and auras…

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Think of area of effect as the raidus (or size of) the aura/explosion… Like the stat on a grenade

‘Splash damage’ would pertain to the damage it deals instead of the size… Unless what you’re looking at says it increases the size of splash damage - then it affects the aoe but only for explosions not auras