Bugged dual annointed queens call

So I put up a request yesterday for someone who was giving away weapons he didnt need while he was farming, I think something went wrong in the mailing process and I got this gun:

A dual annointed radiation queens call with the description of the unforgiven, duc and queens call.11

Have you tried it out? Is it only an issue on the item card or do those effects all apply?

There are a lot of modded gears already. Be careful who we trade with.

im gonna have to test that later, will update you on the results

it wasnt a trade though, i got it for free so dont really see any issue for me ^^

tested and both effects work

That sounds like it probably can melt bosses in half a second…

well no cause melee doesnt do much, its not like its 100% on skill end and 300% on phaseslam, my annointed lyuda can melt in half a second though

@mike96e. Are you on Xbox and would you ever trade that funky queen’s call?