This sniper buuuusted. Possible spoilers

The lyuda is OP. Idk if I should be able to kill the grave ward in one magazine on TVHM But hey, whatever. This gun is actually unfair, and the recent buff to snipers just made it too good imo. Especially on fl4k. Not even running fade away.

i can kill gravewarden in under a second post patch with amara

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That’s what I’m saying man. Huge oversight on their part. Hopefully will see a nerf

I don’t have Lyuda but even without it I kill gw in about 30 seconds with the gatlin’ gatling assault rifle. They just didn’t quite balance end game very well in general, but I bet we’ll see some difficult and rewarding stuff in patches

Why arent there allowed to be good effective things in games? There has to be something that is best, it’s a RPG. Why must everything be nerf nerf nerf nerf to sameness and mediocrity?


This person gets it.

lol The Lyuda isn’t overpowered. Go mob through Proving grounds with it.

this is going to sound crazy, i mean really crazy but hear me out ok? sel… i dunno how to say this, ok here it goes… sell it to marcus and use something else.


Nice kill ! can you show me again without the elemental relic that boosts damage by 190% and without favorable mayhem modifiers? i’d argue that when setting up like that, any weapon can do more or less the same thing. although the lyuda probably benefit most from it. point is, you can take almost everything to a whole next level with the right know how. isn’t it great?

i’m normally very much in favor for proper balancing but i’ve quickly realized borderlands isn’t one of those games and all these nerf this or nerf that post have made me really not care at all anymore. it’s tiresome quite honestly. there’s over 100 more legendaries in this game, not to mention the perfect rolled purple guns that in many cases are even better. are y’all gonna make a new post about them aswell? why not just make one post and list all of the guns instead, would be easier for everyone.

You use the word “unfair”. Unfair to who’m? To Graveward? The easiest Boss in terms of design?
Unfair to other players? Unfair to the other weapons that no one will use anymore?

Buffing the lyuda was an oversight by the devs or whoever is doing the balancing.
(and I have no idea who thought that general weapon buffs work well
without considering legendaries?)
Not a huge difference to how it was before tho.

I say it again, Graveward is the worst “benchmark” ever.
As long as gearbox doesn’t change that boss fight there will always be a build and weapon combination that melts.
Imagine the other vault monsters without immunity phases. We would have alot more “OMG BEST OP BUILD FASTEST SUPER BADASS FARM TYREEN” youtube videos.

Can we just pretend that Graveward doesn’t exist when discussing general game balance?