Kaneda's Laser and Unlisted Laser Weapons

So the gun kaneda’s laser which is a rocket launcher that fires lasers can gain increased damage from laser focussed skills. Do you know of any others that do this? I want to know because I’m making a Wilhelmina laser build and don’t want to run out of ammo as fast.

I’m not sure about these, but definitely try the Ol’ Painful, the T4S-3R and the Cyber Eagle. Also check out the wrist laser and butt laser skills for Jack, they might be boosted as well.

They don’t get laser damage bonuses.

But they also don’t use laser ammo so it will stretch your ammunition.

that’s too bad :confused:

Other gun types that shoot lasers don’t get laser bonus.

On the flip side, laser guns that don’t fire lasers do (like the laser Disker)

Kaneda’s laser does specifically. It isn’t listed but wilhelm’s laser focus skill boosts it, as well as the arena modifiers.

I’d have to test it cuz idk for sure. The three weapons that aren’t lasers that shoot lasers are kaneda taser and ol painful, also zarpedons cyber eagle.

I don’t have an ol’ painful. Maybe someone else could test that

No one will have an Ol’ Painful at level 70…unfortunately.

The special drop off Iwa came and went before the cap raise to 70.

It was a fun AR…basically the only Fire weapon I have used in this game…LOL

I have a L50 one I just need to test if the number gets bigger.


Blank Character, No BAR, No Gear, No Skill Points
I did the following process:
Shoot Dummy
Equip Eddie
Shoot Dummy
De-Quip Eddie Equip Bulwark
Shoot Dummy
De-Quip Bulwark, Level 5 Points in Laser Focus (LT1 Cyber Commando Skill)
Shoot Dummy

With the Following 5 Weapons
Dahl Blaster
Kaneda’s Laser
Cyber Eagle
Ol’ Painful

The only weapon to show an increase in shot damage was the Blaster.
Sorry to be a party pooper, but NO non-laser “shoots lasers” weapon benefits from +Laser Damage
Also, Neither Merger or the Stupid Laser Slam get bonuses either…Might as well be thorough in my dream crushing…


What I had read from the wiki was that laser boosts from items like the bulwark do not work, however skill laser boosts like wilhelm’s laser focus (t1 cyber commando) do boost kaneda’s laser.

On a separate note, I tested out the cyber eagle and the T4s-R, and neither got a boost from the skill.

Do yourself a favor and get a gentle Party Line :slight_smile:

Both the HellFire and Firestarta are pretty sweet fire guns! :smile:

dangit. did not know this and grinded 2 lvl 70 legendary kaneda laser’s this weekend.

on a similar token, is everyone aware the laser disker kills are recorded as Rocket Launcher stats?

The wiki also says. They patched it and the bulwark does work correctly now. For awhile the 3dd1e and bulwark didn’t give the laser bonuses. But thats been fixed for awhile.

Wiki is WRONG I literally just tested it.

Have you tested it with Wilhelm’s Laser Focus skill that boosts laser damage? because that is what the wiki said worked before. That extra 44% damage would reck on such an already powerful launcher.

Yes. I did. Look at my post…