Customized Sanctuary model

Put this in the wrong category earlier. Decided to customize my Sanctuary 3 model. Hope people enjoy the look.


Holy crap, that is cool as hell. Did you 3D print this?

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Thank you! That is the push-fit model that came with the diamond chest collectors edition. I just wanted it to be more detailed.
Couple coats from the airbrush and some detailing did the trick.


nice one. you got plans to do it on the 10 figurines?

If I leave my brushes exposed like that for even a few hours they get full of dust and little hairs and crap, the pics are giving me fits haha

Anyway, those colors are striking together.

Yup, once I finish my current titanic project then those are on the list!

Yeah I typically dont leave the brushes out, but when im in the middle of a large project that requires brush switching, then its just easier