My inventory and bank are full of Legendaries, which should I sell?

Been farming the last 3 days and I’m totally full now. I could test all of these Legendaries myself to see which are bad, but it’s easier just to ask you guys xD

Well, you gotta show us what you have if you want an opinion.

Whatever you choose to keep, make sure it’s in your inventory, not your bank. Make alts to hold stuff in their backpack if you want to be really safe.

Is there a fast way to create alts with max backpack space ?

dont put stuff in the bank if u havent updated. i havent updated mine tbh and i lost my bank of 50 items but i didnt have anything important except low lvl legendaries etc. tbh i have the same problem being full but i just sell stuff that doesnt appeal to me like most maliwan shot guns except the mind killer

Go out and loot a few blue/purple guns and dump them in your shared bank, then let the alt sell them. It may not get you to max space, but should get you to 30+.

I was thinking more so along the lines of a list of legendaries that people have tested and know to be good. I know some of the Legendaries that are good and I’m definitely keeping those, Queen/King’s Call, Lyuda, Shredifier, Night Hawkin, Butcher, Recurring Hex, Transformer, Class Mods. Any others I should definitely keep if I already have them?

I would take a screenshot of my bank, but all you’d have to go on are the icons.

Wish you could make alts for storage easily. You have to get them to Sanctuary before you can even use the bank don’t you?

I’ve got 2 Brainstormers it seems. Which is better, Redundant or Cash Infused?

I think every legendary can be valuable it just depends on your build.

AFAIK, the best overall weapons are King/Queen’s Call, Butcher, Crossroad, Lasersploder, Lyuda, Epicenter, Nighthawkin, and ReCharger. I’m sure there are others to add to the list, but that’s what I’ve seen most people using regularly.

IMO other good legendaries are Barrage, Trevonator, Devastator, AAA, Flakker, Damned, Red Suit and Nagata.

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Last night i did nothing but make 4 alts, and got them to sanctuary. Then with my level 50 character i filled the bank with guns from the eridium fabricator and sold them with each alt until they had 40 backpack slots. And now i hate having to make mules even more than i did before lol.

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nice that’s a pretty good idea - might give me some use for the gungun as well now that I think about it

If you have buddies playing the game, just gift them the legendaries you don’t need. If anything, they can keep them in their mail if they don’t need them at the moment.

Mail expires after 7 days.

I would love to hear you find a practical use for The Lob.
There seem to be a lot of legendaries that may not be completely unusable, but are definitely worse than their non-legendary counterparts. And yes, a lot of others that just require the right build before they become powerful.

I have a fire Lob actually I was messing with on Amara elemental build. Fire off the entire clip while circling a mob, swap weapons, deal INSANE amounts of elemental damage. It was very useful against swarmy enemies like Varkids or Ratches. The only big downside to the weapon is the orb disappears when it hits a surface. If it just bounced off and kept going that would make it infinitely more useful.

anyone know how to get the trevonator is it a world drop

yeah its a world drop

sad, really want that one

i do have the crossroad and flakker really enjoying them too