Zane is really underpowered early game

I always see all the FL4K players running around having an easy time but me as Zane having a hard time, I can still get through areas but all my action skills are really weak and all the enemies just act as bullet sponges. Also im underleved for some reason… If anyone wants to help me by leveling me up like 4-5 times id really appreciate it.
Edit: I dont even want to play the game anymore because Zane is so weak and boring, and i cant be bothered going through hours of gameplay to be a diffrent actually competant class

That is impossible pick barrier and spec into adrenaline. I dno what level you talking but u do not need any action skills or skills to beat normal mode… Let alone being allowed to use everything the game puts in your hands. Unless u are trying to farm Cowley at level 4 I do not see how you could be having a problem. If U still need help on me. But what you are saying is not true early game sentinel is also good.

You should do more side missions so you don’t get owned so easily

Thanks to whoever changed the topic to Zane the Operative.

The only side missions i have are back in pandora

Check out my Zane threads or at least small gameplay and tell me how he is weak or inconpetent

youre probably high level with a full skill tree and legendary loot, i said hes weak early game, not late game farming endlessly for the perfect build

Well it was not born 50 I played from 1 and in co op and never felt behind my partner or any enemies at all and that all without farming… Just playing through

I am “high level with a full skill tree and legendary loot” and it’s much harder now than early game

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Zane+basic white pistol and early game is yours right xd

im not doing a coop playthrough

Exactly solo is easier… That adds to my point mate. Zane is good and early game he is super easy.

Drone can handle stuff. And if U wanna take charge use shield instead. 25% multiplicative dmg from the get go works well with any gun bolt action or bullethose

I started a Zane from scratch and I’ve got him to about level 25 now and not really encountered any proper issues.

I’m cloning and droning and the drone at least does a decent job when mobbing.

Well you see all the gun drops ive gotten are trash, i do measly damage

Just hit sanctuary vendor up I bet any green gun on level will do the job you need apart from snipers don get snipers without sdu update

Run a cryo build early game. It’s SOOO fun with zane and I didn’t have any issues getting through the game. He does suck post game though so if you want to grind vault monsters and stuff any other characters is better at that. But I love zane he’s alot of fun to play

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He farms vault bosses under a minute…

Ya I’ve seen that but it doesn’t seem to work for me but there also seems to be some glitchiness happening on my end so idk maybe if that’s resolved I could also melt bosses but right now it probably takes me 10 minutes to kill the graveyard but IDC I like running around and playing a zane

I also did the cryo build to get to late game. I agree, it was the most fun but it was really bad in mayhem 3 XD

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It is generally accepted that Zane is the weakest of the VHs.