Removed in protest of Epic Store for both BL3 and TTWL

Enjoy that Epic Exclusive, because I sure am not.


As of now, the only Jakobs weapon I have and use regularly is the elemental Twister Shotgun. I am considering getting a Rustler’s Striker (for use with my Blurred Trickster build - +5 Chain Reaction, +4 Kinetic Reflection, +4 Life Tap). I was just wondering if you have had a chance to test the Striker with a Blurred Trickster, since I think it would probably work very well with 10/5 Chain Reaction.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

I have not had a Blurred Trickster drop yet. However if you want to take advantage of Chain Reaction you may want to consider the Maggie instead. The Striker is not that good of a shotgun with body shots and with how Chain Reaction works you will be lucky to get critical hits. The Maggie though is easy to fan the hammer with and has a large magazine capacity.

Rustlers is the second strongest Striker you can get if you have all the good parts (Hyperion stock and Jakobs grip) with Doc’s outdoing Rustler’s if you land critical hits. Rustler’s does a higher amount of body damage though but with the Striker you should be aiming for critical locations to maximize damage.

This is a level 72 non OP Doc’s Striker when all the pellets land with Slag.

Haven’t done much Allegiance builds so this is a nice bit of info, although I did just sell a Jakobs Allegiance relic (I do have another one or two though still). And @Troubled- I have a purple Blurred Trickster mod- IIRC the stats are +5 Chain Reaction, +4 Kinetic Reflection, +3 Life Tap (I’m using a blue one that’s +6 Chain Reaction, +5 Kinetic Reflection). If you’re on the 360 and want it, let me know…

Sorry but I am a PC guy but thanks for the offer.

Wait a minute. At 10/5 Kinetic Reflection, Maya becomes IMMUNE TO BULLETS? Why didn’t I know that?

I would not say fully immune but she becomes incredibly hard to drop with conventional ammunition. Shock and explosive rounds will still tear through her shields if you are not careful and enemies totting elemental sniper rifles can be rather dangerous. Rockets are not reflected neither but that is a given.

Though if remember correctly a friend of mine has used a setup that makes rocket launchers a joke with her but I do not know how he did it.

Love it.

As a Zer0 Jakobs allegiance player, I miss a reliable source of slag and healing that doesn’t sell my soul (Maliwan transfusion grenades work, but they smell like patchouli). I might go more down the Harmony tree to get Scorn and Life Tap/Elated/Sustenance. Not that Ruin doesn’t provide quite a bit of slag already and Sweet Release doesn’t heal well, but this would allow me to comfortably use Jakobs’ only “shield”, and I think Scorn is super fun (plus free Fleet).


It takes a lot of healing to overcome DoT. :grimacing:

[quote=“Troubled, post:1, topic:367275”]Wreck can turn most Jakobs weaponry into bullet hoses and gives a considerable damage boost against Phaselocked enemies or just allows Maya to deal with other more threatening enemies more efficiently. The damage boost makes well placed shots to critical hit locations more potent as well.[/quote]Is the fire-rate boost noticeable? I usually think I’m the limiting factor when it comes to how fast I can pull the trigger, not the weapon’s own limit (which is why I love Tw0 Fang on my assassin for this), but that’s probably me. Wreck does include a damage bonus anyway.

[quote=“Troubled, post:1, topic:367275”]Blight Phoenix requires only a single point. What this skill does is add a makeshift safe zone the first time a enemy comes to close. Enemies that enter its zone of influence will be staggered and give you a chance to finish them off or get some breathing room.[/quote]I keep hearing this, but have never experienced it… I’ll have to give this another spin.

[quote=“Scootalewis, post:6, topic:367275, full:true”]Wait a minute. At 10/5 Kinetic Reflection, Maya becomes IMMUNE TO BULLETS? Why didn’t I know that?[/quote]At 11/5, bullets heal you.

ThatOneGuy23 has his own modified version of this build. I thought about bringing it over but I just feel guilty about putting it in with my build rather than him having his own guide on it.

It is possible to do it but you have to be really careful with how you approach enemies unlike this build. As far as healing goes I have little troubles keeping myself alive so long as I don’t get in over my head or take a rocket to the face. Phaselocked enemies do not last long and I tend to alternate between Magic Missiles and Phaselock to keep a consistent level of slag going which leads to a lot of one shots from my trusty Unforgiven.

It depends on both the gun and your computer actually. On my old PC I could fire the Maggie faster than an SMG if I was looking into a corner but in actual combat that was not the case but I still noticed the fire rate bonus. On my new one I can unload it faster than an SMG with Wreck but I have to control my fire because even with the allegiance relic my crosshairs go wide. It helps with slower firing weapons to in following up on critical hit shots but for super slow guns like th Rex and Elephant Rifle it is difficult to notice.

Psychos are the most noticeable as they do their stagger or fall down animation when they are first afflicted by Blight Phoenix. Rabids do their littler jitter sidestep as well.

Thanks for responding above. I will have to consider both the Rustler’s Striker and The Maggie for use with my Blurred Trickster build.

My guess is your friend had points in Ward and Inertia, as well as 10/5 (or 11/5) Kinetic Reflection (Mirrored Trickster) and a Max Absorb (94%) The Sham Shield in order to drastically mitigate Rocket damage.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

His name is Derch and I am sure if you dig deep enough you can find his posts in the old forums. I think he is hanging out in the TPS forums now but has not been on Steam for a very long time.

If you want to use a heavy hitting shotgun with your build you can still use the Twister but I am not sure how Chain Reaction works with it. You can also use the Hydra which is a great point-blank shotgun against melee enemies.

Troubled, as a Jakobs fanatic, do you know if a setup with the Rough Rider is viable at level 72?
I thought about picking Recompense and Life Tap to help with durability, something like this spec. What do you think?
The mobility from the Legendary Siren and Fleet should be enough to keep Maya safe if you keep moving to places where you can aim properly and sustain yourself with Life Tap plus Jakobs damage potential.

It is viable but you have to be cautious when you use it and you rely heavily on all of her healing regeneration skills.

Recompense by itself is not very good. It requires either a +5 or +6 COM and the Grog Nozzle to keep yourself alive. Enemies simply do too much damage for it to make a difference by itself without any way of sustaining it. Even basic enemies will kill you before Recompense works them over and with their health regeneration you have to have a +5-6 COM and the Grog Nozzle for healing and slagging purposes.

The old Peacekeeper build has a build at the bottom of it that has the rough rider in it. I did not bring it over because I just do not feel comfortable take other people’s work no matter how much citation I use.

Compared to my build ThatOneGuy23’s relies a lot on playing peak-a-boo. However if you get someone Phaselocked with Elated and Life Tap kicked in Maya can take a surprising amount of punishment.

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I see. I thought that Recompense could work with a Skin of the Ancients and the Rough Rider damage reduction. Not to deal damage, but to keep you alive through Life Tap. Every damage you take when using the Rough Rider is health damage, so I thought it would be better than Elated or Sustenance in this particular setup.

Anyway, thanks for the reply troubled!

You have to have absurdly high damage reduction before you notice any real results like what Krieg is capable of achieving. Salvador gets damage reduction too but his is mediocre and only helps out a tad. If it weren’t for Moxxi weapons Salvador would have a hard time in Borderlands 2.

The Binder relic may do you better with Maya totting the Rough Rider than anything else. Extending Phaselock’s duration with five points in Elated is an incredible health regeneration boost. The downside is you won’t have the same cooldown as Legendary Siren and will be weaker with Binder than Siren in fights where you cannot Phaselock enemies.

As for relics you really need a Jakobs allegiance relic if you want to hit anything reliably after a handful of shots. There are a few exceptions such as most of the revolvers with their fire rate but when you start getting into the heavier, slower firing weapons you will notice your crosshairs trying to touch the edges of your screen. However if you are patient you can live without a Jakobs allegiance relic with recoil reduction/recovery but taking one off and slapping it on later is like comparing night and day.

If you do intend to go after a damage reduction relic you will want explosive, fire, non-elemental, and the fourth one may not matter to much. Both fire and explosive will destroy your health bar while non-elemental will help with enemies like rabids. Corrosive and shock are a toss up as I believe they do roughly the same amount of damage to your health bar with shock being more dangerous if you have an actual shield.

Another alternative is a FFYL relic with bonus time, gun damage, and health bonus. Because you won’t get a full shield you have a much, much higher risk of dropping into FFYL again than another Maya player using a shield. The gun damage can be somewhat ignored if you have Immolate due to how absurd Immolate’s bonus is. The health timer though definitely helps.

If you want bonus health you can look towards the relics which give around 55%+ at level 72. You can also go after Blood of Terra for 1.6% health regen at level 72 and if you want a bit of both Blood of the Seraphs which gives health regen and health bonus. I use the Blood of the Seraphs on my Axton build which uses the Rough Rider.

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Build has been updated as of October 29, 2015 due to the changes of Cloud Kill and Helios. Build is also in the process of being tested at OP8.

Edit: OP8 has been completed with Peacekeeper build.

I’m trying a Thoughtlock build on Maya right now (although I haven’t played her in a while). Since I have most if not all of the gear needed on her or other characters I’ll try it out- as soon as I find which mule I have the Jakobs relics on…

The Legendary Binder COM offers a higher damage ceiling and crowd control. However, the downside is when you are in a fight where you cannot take advantage of Phaselock’s formidable buffs. Granted though outside of raid boss fights that is not usually an issue but is something to keep in mind.

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In my experience, the Legendary Binder very rarely lives up to its theoretical potential. It is probably a 2nd or 3rd best choice in any given area. Even as a guy who favors Thought Lock over PL, I find that I come out ahead by going with a Legendary Siren and leaving out Sub-Sequence.

As I type this, the only example coming to me of where it may really be a winner is in solo attempts against Invincible Son of Crawmerax with TL builds. In that fight, ads often group as you kite, and die fast enough that Sub Sequence + Converge may actually manage them for you, while you benefit nicely from Wreck + Ruin + CR fighting an enemy with a huge health pool. Even then, you’d probably only want to use that between 75% and 50% health, having started with a Cat and ending with a Legendary Siren.

Anyway… musings from my lunchbreak at work.

I actually found my one and only Jakobs allegiance relic (turns out Maya already had it on her :weary:). It’s +69% mag size and +89% accuracy recovery. Is this good enough or do I really need the recoil reduction to make this work?