Zane excels at flakker

again we find Playing dirty being dirty indeed. so your typical flakker will have x3 mutiplier which means in game there is 3 projectiles that you shoot (you can not see them) that set off multiple flaks (explosions) now zane can add 4th projectile to each shot for 5 shots. which means, you guessed it bunch more explosions per shot! so every 3 shots you have fired and extra flakker shot basically. but the effect is more impactful then that since each individual flak becomes much stronger.

if you find the gun as zane, it is a keeper guys and holly hell it destroys tyreen good. flakker for regular fight, lyuda on the eye from the ground and she dies before she can even take off of the arena, the longest she will last is 1 take off but after her attacks she will come back again quickly to present the destroyers eye and you will finish her off.


I’ll say it’s his best weapon for general mobbing. Flakker in Zane’s hands is just insane (without being broken). I’ve a Fire version and a Normal version and I use one or the other depends on in-game modifiers.

It’s, also, one of the best weapons to abuse the bonus from movement speed. You don’t have you actually aim at the enemies but to the “general area” they’re in. It takes a bit of practice to not kill yourself by outspeeding the explosions before they denotate, but when you have it the weapon just destroys weaklings and badasses.

I’ve killed fire badasses with the fire version of the Flakker just running around them and spamming shots. I’ll not comment on the Hawking because we all know how good that ■■■■ is with any character, but to me, this one and The Flood are must haves. I’ve also seen a video proving the Dictator to be a really nice adition to Zane’s arsenal.

Lyuda is Lyuda, nothing to add here, altho I use it mainly for bosses (personal prefference, I know it destroys mobs too).

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Yet to find dictator. I think duce beats flood tho quite marginally

I’m looking for it too, altho I’m not so sure (not denying it either, must test) about the duc outclassing the flood, this one has a crazy burst of dmg output when you start pulling the trigger and I don’t rly like the explosive ammo of the Duc.

I feel like the Duc does less damage per shot before the explosion, and also has less mag. size.

But playing dirty takes duce way above flood. Bare bones flood maybe better with skills and mods flood for Zane loses to companion and duce

I’ve testing both and Idk why Duc does way less damage than Flood. This is with playing dirty. The explosions deal the full damage of the wep but the shots before do less.

well shots are not supposed to do much, i guess results may vary due to different critical hit rates? i am a fairly good aimer and flood is more forgiving and spam friendly than the duce if you stick those to the heads or other critspots explosions will explode with critical hits. is not borderlands great? whatever works for you is the best option. me personally get lower ttk with duce, to confirm your results i advise taking on easy to crit target like chupacabratch and see which weapon kills faster (without modifiers active) also mobbing is different from bossing, so there is a fairly good reason why flood maybe preferable for a lot of people, missed shots are more costly with duce and recoil is higher on the duce, it rewards high precision in exchange of being able to spam and move around more. on my tests on chupa duce easily won and took better advantage of brainfreeze.

again if scoring crits was easy then king’s call would be the best pistol so check my suggestion out. i also do not run duce in co op since it gets hectic but in solo when i choose the pace and where enemies are looking it performs admirably.

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I’ll try it out more to see how it performs, maybe I haven’t tested it enough.

sorry to brake it to you… but flakker is op on everyone, and after amara, zane only is the third palce for using it…
number two is fl4k (lul fl4k is good with the flakker)
they not only have a 25% extra projectile EVERY time (or 50% with the right class mod)
but also he can crit for insane damage with it… and get ammo back and has a faster reload
and on the number one spot we have Moze… she has a whole tree deticated to explosions, she does 100% more explosive damage then everyone else, has a easier time to land hits, also gets amo back for almost unlimited shots without ever reloading or spending ammo and she also has a 20% chance for explsoions on top of explosions!
so yeah… sorry…

This is so beside the point xd we know other characters are doing better ))


That wasn’t his point at all, just that Zane excels as Flakker.

You don’t have to be a veteran in Borderlands to clearly see that some things aren’t working as intended with Moze. Girl is completely invincible and can rush through everything just by spamming nades while, in Borderlands 2 to say something, every character had to fulfill certain conditions to be able to survive by just walking (and not only walk, but erase every red point in the map pressing 1 button). The only exception was Salvador, and even him had to aim. Moze is a developers character in this moment.

Fl4k may surpass Zane at using Flakker, but why would you do so when he can just run through things with better options at dps. Zane doesn’t have that much options when it comes to healthy badasses and needs to rely on Flakkers or Lyudas if Artic isn’t working with fire at that moment. It’s also one of his best options to clear areas full of enemies standing near each other.


I suposse you already know this but The Flood can shot the entire magazine by pressing down the click. Yea… I didn’t know because of BL2.


excels literally means beeing better at it than others… and he just isn’t so he does not excels at it… end of conversation. ^^
there is no other context needed.
Moze is fine, Fl4k is fine, it is Zane that is not fine… thats your context :slight_smile:

At least in spanish, excels means sobresalir, and sobresalir is to distinguish yourself from the others. That’s how i’ve interpreted it and I don’t think it’s different in english.

it is though…
Synonyms: excel, surpass, exceed, outstrip, outdo
These verbs mean to be greater or better than someone or something. To excel is to achieve a level higher than another or others

Ok, so the point of the entire thread once you read it is that Flakker is a great weapon on Zane’s. So my question would be why are you so interested in discussing if the OP has used one word. If that’s a real problem, replace “excels” with “is great” and it’ll fine.

its unnecessary… because the gun is just insanly strong, even with no skillpoints at all… its like you say pipebomb was good on zane pre patch… yes it was… because it was so good it is good on anyone… so this argument and thread is pointless. ^^

I didn’t mean to be rude, I just wanted to clear up that there are even better options to use it… (and as always, try to make people see that Zane needs help, because I want Zane to get more love… the more people complain, the more likely it is that we see changes, as you can see from the recent hotfix) :slight_smile:

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Excels at Flakker doesn’t necessarily means he uses the flakker better than other Vault Hunters, it can also mean he uses the Flakker better than he uses most other guns. The latter is the better interpretation of the two in the context of this thread.

yes that is what it means but arguing semantics is waste of time. therefore i did not chime in. lets say we say eden hazard excels at dribbling, you can tell me that messi or baggio were much better but that does not take away from hazard exceling in dribbling. a chess player might excel at offensive chess but due to his style be mid tier 2700 player. which is low compared to top 1% sitting at 2770+ again it does not take away from that player exceling ad offensive chess. this is just giant waste of any ones time to argue about it instead of motivating people to pick up zane.

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