Zane and jacobs sniper monocle and regular purple sniper test

hello guys, read the note first!

i have tried to see how viable sniping was in mayhem 3, monocle is definitely viable for headhunting lovers but regular jacobs snipers are definitely a no go because even with double the damage from playing dirty, they simply do not do enough on mayhem 3. so the search for good jacobs sniping option is on! and i hope i can find better than monocle.

here is the vid :


  1. zane can definitely an easily sniper in mayhem 3.
    2.monocle is okay at least in solo play
  2. regular jacobs snipers lack severely as a good and fun mobbing option.

NOTE: there was a hotfix later today that buffed jacobs snipers so take this with a grain of salt as the runs were done pre hotfix. jacobs snipers are definitely stronger now so we might need to redo the test.

p.s. they need to move enemy names out of the damn scopes!

The best Jakobs sniper is the shotgun One Pump Chump. Get that and use it as a sniper. I think the monocle is the gun that seems to do more damage the further away you are when you shoot it.

i already run one pump chump, in fact we speculated that two one pump chumps with cold bore is the best way to run it or even fully dedicated quad chump load out, you swap fast and you dish out tone of dmg each shot, however scoring crtis in bl3 is a litle more difficult than bl2 since enemies are a lot more animated and always wave around or hide heads behind covers. besides chum does not quite fill my itch for good ol muckamock experience.

since with the hotfix monocle and and jacobs snipers received a buff it is even more powerful now, the downside is the crits from behind in the head seem to do less then crits into the face so maybe that is what the gun is about, it also seems to do less dmg to varkid tails then to humanoid enemy heads. ( i am not sure of the red text efffect yet sadly just talking from experience)

Test the damage up close vs at a distance. I know there was a sniper that did a lot of damage from a distance but not much in close range. I got rid of it, but i think it was the Monocle.

I feel you on missing the classic Mukamuck damage too.

well i will run the test on twitch now, let’s see what it amounts to.

How did it go? I just got a moncle and I’m sure it’s the weapon that had increased damage from distance cause it came with a ridiculous scope with a 15.5x zoom. lol i can’t use that thing, it’s worse than the Fremington’s Edge from BL2.

it does admirably, you do not need to get too far away it hits pretty hard.