Really need help with my Zane build

I don’t have bad gear, and it takes me forever to kill anointed mobs and bosses in Mayhem 2 and 3. I don’t understand how people are killing bosses and anointed in a couple minutes. Some anointed and boss fights are taking me literally 8-10 minutes to kill. All I can think of is my build just sucks. (Have decent gear, like One Pump Chump, Hellwalker shotguns, Expert Devoted SMG, Dangerous Superball Pistol, great class mod, etc.) But my damage output is just crap. I feel like I’m definitely doing something very wrong with my build. Please help! Would also like to steer clear of cryo builds I see people talk about because what happens when you come across something cryo resistant?

i have been melting bosses at mayhem 2 and 3 if you want to consult, cba here but hit me up on discord Райдэн#8973

i have been able to kill graveward multiple times before he even does his first rocket hand attack. connsistently you can damage him enough that he will never land a blow on you. also i keep killing tyreen the way that she does not even do any dmg. also zane is literally immortal in kilovolt arena due to barrier deployment abuse. since barrier can not be deployed you can infinitely activate your kill skills this always having life steal on. as to cryo builds they are for fun mobbing nothin too serious.

here is my general bossing build: boss killing build

as to action skills it is barrier and digi clone augments either charged relay and nanites or nanites and dome. clone is only there to activate synchroniciy and borrowed time. guns of choice are usually flakker and lyuda with companion pistol doing good help if needed otherwise fire night hawking will also do. as to class mods usually go with something that can boost mag size and reload and skills playing dirty and adrenaline. this way u can spam your abbilities and they give u big time damage boost since longer you shoot through barrier the more you are getting multiplicatie 25% amp. i do not know what to say mate. all i can do is show you. Zane is truly brilliant

Looks really solid. Guess you give up grenades with this build due to using both barrier and clone?

As I said this is for bossing and yes nades do not kill vault bosess

Mobbing build is different for mobbing I invest more in barrier and I change up my hitman points as well. Zane is not one dimensional like flak or Moze. You need to build for the result you need but the result is absolute destruction and near immortality. For mobbing I use nades over clone and only run barrier. As a nade ,shock or radiation hex mirv is the best option in my mind but any vladof Cryo or shock bouncing berry type will also suffice as well as firestorm and storm front. Depends on what manufacturer you get really.

Lol, maybe I’m just not a Zane player. With your exact build it still took me a little over 8 minutes to kill Graveward Mayhem 2.

Mate bosses are gun specific if U are in EU. I can add U and show U. Copying build does not make U expert in it :wink:

Also builds are as important as guns lyuda makes big difference in kill times.

grave ward vs zane

i hope this one helps

Well the modifiers were on your side here though. I can recommend “the dictator” as well I have a x2 kinetic dictator, that wrecked graveward as well. But it’s a world drop so that’s super unreliable. I’d recommend the hellfire, if you want a specific drop.

i have indeed mentioned that modifiers were on my side and is not that what mayhem 3 is abut? xd also unless it rolled - kinetic and -fire i’d do fine and even after that i do have radiation lyuada in reserve, otherwise crossroad can kill him decently okay.

What’s your recommended gear choices or tactic against anointed? It’s probably the most annoying enemy for me right now. I do fine against the vault bosses, realistically it’s hard to die against Graveward unless you do something wrong. But facing like 2 anointed and a couple rocket fanatics at once doesn’t go so well for my Zane rn. I just don’t have a fast enough time-to-kill on those guys. I noped out of the slaughter shaft real fast, I didn’t have the damage to do things efficiently (Also the visual clutter in that place, especially with the barrier, good grief). Any advice?

Torgue pistols like occultist and thorns nighthawk in times 2 or 3 9volt SMG hex mirv made for cc flakker and hellwalker options are plenty, heads up zane is goated on single pallet rocket launchers, have one for the tough enemies. shoot them twice for the price of one. jericho from vladof is great, try to find kill o wisp shotgun, as to corrosive damage even better than thorns is another torgue pistol i forgot the name of it has triple bullet spread andconverges on a distance like borderlands 2 interfacer, it has huge splash radius as well and absolutely murders any thing that is armored. add an extra projectile to it and you are party mode.

if you invest heavily into playing dirty there are more big damage options, like one pump chump shotgun, duce the pistol is insane (literally insane, 10 shots for 5 and massive dmg), companion pistol is insane on flash. if you can land criticals consistently run with king’s call or queen’s call in matching elements. boring gun is great and that is not all of your options high dps is not exactly enemy of zane long musket is so good that it will kill on any build throw reload 2 3 ofthem and start torching the target that is 4 guns converging on him, plus it can crit plus salvation active keeps you immortal as long as you are shooting and if you have a stop-gap shield and somehow get hit when you are reloading it can save you. pf like i dno there is bazilion guns and 1/1000000 of that is an option at least.

as a pinnacle to any bosskilling if and probably you are not runing snipers, have a lyuda on to bust it out for boss and annointed enemies, it does more than ridiculous amount of damage and since you can keep annointed fronzen with either grenades or brain freeze, you can not lose.

if you have none of the guns that synergise with your build or playstyle do not jump into mayhem 3 mobbing, farm first. you can always get stronger in borderlands 3, always! find a better suited nade, better suited shield, better suited gun. different items excel in different things.