W.I.P. Character Concept: Slither

Got a bit bored as well as inspired by @pestopartyy’s request so I opted to create a playable character concept based on the great and noble Slither from Borderlands 1.
Action Skill: sprout wings and gain ability to “fly”/hover temporarily, ability to buttslam (assuming you can’t in the next Borderlands) that deal ~10 times that of your melee damage and it does a nova of fire DoT and Corrosive DoT, hp is restored upon using skill

Left Tree: “A Bug’s Life”

tier 1 Left Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 2 Left Skill: -insert name- Middle Skill: "Soft Shelled" /1, increases damage received from explosive and melee sources by 10%, constant hp regen of 2% per second, movement speed increased by 25% when hit with a melee attack or explosive damage Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 3 Middle Skill: -insert name- Tier 4 Left Skill: -insert name- Middle Skill: "Death from Above" Standard melee attack is now a "flying" leap, base damage is 1.5 times stronger than standard melee, enemies under 50% hp are insta killed Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 5 Left Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 6 Capstone: -insert name- Middle Tree: “Nestled in a Cocoon”

tier 1 Left Skill: "Snug as a Bug in a Rug" /5, Shield capacity increased 5%, max hp -1% Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 2 Left Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 3 Middle Skill: -insert name- Tier 4 Left Skill: -insert name- Middle Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 5 Left Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 6 Capstone: "Incubation", FFYL augmentation, When your health depletes, instead of entering FFYL, you enter a cocoon for 3 seconds before reviving with 50% Health and Full Shield and releasing a Corrosive Nova. You gain a "mild" hp regen (~10% hp restored in ~5 seconds) Your Action Skill's Cooldown resets upon release. 120 Second Cooldown between uses. While in cooldown you go into regular FFYL mode.
Right Tree: “Creepy Crawlers”

Tier 1 Left Skill: "Acid Armour" /4, While you have a corrosive DoT on you you have 5% damage resistance, additional 5% against corrosive(so total of 10%) Right Skill: "Toxic Personality" /1, dealing elemental dot damage gives you a corrosive DoT, elemental DoT chance up to +20% based on number of Acid Tokens(if 50% then now 70% not 20% of 50 plus 50), increases max number of Acid Tokens to 500, whenever your shield or you takes damage (besides the corrosive DoT) you gain 5 tokens, after 5 seconds you start losing tokens at a rate of 1 every second Tier 2 Left Skill: -insert name- Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 3 Middle Skill: "Acid Reflux" /1, melee augmentation, now does a corrosive AoE spray in front of you, last for ~1.5 seconds (damage total is same), cooldown 10 seconds between uses Right Skill: "Acid Burn" /1, increases your corrosive damage against flesh/shields based on number of Acid Tokens, dealing corrosive damage adds 10 Acid Tokens Tier 4 Left Skill: -insert name- Middle Skill: "Alchemy Affinity" /1, all sources of Elemental Damage now have a chance of causing a Corrosive Dot (Grenades, Rockets, etc.), DoT damage based on base damage of source, natural Corrosive DoT increased by 50% Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 5 Left Skill: -insert name- Middle Skill: "Caustic Appetite" All Corrosive DoTs (including the one in the above skill) now heal you instead of hurting you, amount healed based on number of Acid Tokens you have, max rate is 5% per second Right Skill: -insert name- Tier 6 Capstone: "Corrosive Green Giant" /1, Action Skill Augmentation, transform into a BadAss Corrosive Scythid, hp and melee damage is boosted by 25%, all sources of corrosive damage is increased by 10% (dots included)

Totally willing to have input from others and add their ideas or suggestions if I feel they are good.



Very cool!

Acid Tokens FTW!

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Kill it kill it with fire (Context: I have an irrational fear of Scythids)

As for an actual game standpoint, You can’t really feature Health Gate as a skill because it was a background mechanic that wasn’t really talked about in any of the games.

As for names, the Acid Armor one could be called um, how bout Acid Armor?

The T1 right could be like Toxic Personality or something general for acid/poision could also be called like Toxic Buildup or something cuz you’re putting DoTs on urself when you deal DoTs

The Melee Augment could be called Acid Reflux or Spitter or something.

The flesh/shield one could be like tongue-in-cheek and be called something like “It Burns Like…Acid”

The Heal could be called like Caustic Appetite

Might be true but for now it’ll stay.

[quote=“Hoyle4, post:4, topic:365719”]
The flesh/shield one could be like tongue-in-cheek and be called something like “It Burns Like…Acid”
[/quote]How about “Acid Burn” or “Battery Acid”? (hmm… if the latter might add something shock related to it)

[quote=“Hoyle4, post:4, topic:365719”]
As for names, the Acid Armor one could be called um, how bout Acid Armor?
The T1 right could be like Toxic Personality
The Melee Augment could be called Acid Reflux
[/quote]Added and added as contributor :slight_smile:

That middle skill on the right tree looks super loaded right now in comparison to t2 gamechangers. Could be two skills easy

Melee augment needs a cool down prolly.

Can we have skill that augements the as to do a screeching leaping bullsh!t terrifying fkfest.

Hmm… yeah, it probably is. I’ll just toss in another skill probably and split it into two.
Edit: Made it into two skills, “Acid Burn” @Right Tree Tier 3 Right Skill and “Alchemy Affinity” @Tier4 Middle Skill of same tree.

[quote=“Hoyle4, post:6, topic:365719”]
Melee augment needs a cool down prolly.
[/quote]Yeah, kinda goes without saying but I’m mostly just laying the foundation right now. Cooldown could be added now I guess. -looks at other melee cooldown times of characters-
How does ~10 second cooldown sound?

[quote=“Hoyle4, post:6, topic:365719”]
Can we have skill that augements the as to do a screeching leaping bullsh!t terrifying fkfest.
[/quote]I was kinda thinking that’d be the standard melee but it could be a skill for sure.
How about we insert it into the Left Tree Tier 2 middle slot?

Sounds good, we could add like an execute component to it where its like leaps and kills something under 50% ( not bosses) on initial activation of action skill before continuing its flying shenanigans if u wanna make it a L2 game changer and move soft shelled down to l1 and change it up a little. Could call it Death from Above or something.

Maybe you could change soft shelled to Hp regen and MS on shield break kinda to represent those brown scythids that zig zag all over the place.

Hmm… not too sure about the insta kill bit but given it wouldn’t be applicable to bosses it could be alright. Plus it’d be a good reward given that I’d imagine aiming would be a pain (it’d have the same range and speed as the scythids in BL1).

[quote=“Hoyle4, post:8, topic:365719”]
Maybe you could change soft shelled to Hp regen and MS on shield break kinda to represent those brown scythids that zig zag all over the place.
[/quote]Hmm… I guess that could work. ~fix fix fix~
Edit: What does MS stand for?

Well I mean I’m assuming his as CD is long enough that a deep tree skill that at best finishes a badass after u do most of the damage is pretty fair.

Im thinking middle tree capstones all I can come up with is either some random nova stuff to rep those bursting scythids or the siege tank qualities of the elemental scythids.

Oh ms is movement speed.

How does a Scythid, let alone Slither, hold a rifle?

The same way Battlefield 3 giraffe glitch man does (magic)

I’ll assume he’ll stick them under his wings. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you need a real reason mandibles or possibly he (Slither) got integrated with a Claptrap in DLC4 and it gave him arms but no legs but under the wings is good too. :slight_smile:

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They can sit up. They do have claws/ arm appendages you can see them when BAs are in siege catapult mode

Oh, you were planning on making the leap another melee augment (Has there ever been 2 melee augments on a kit?). I was thinking the action skill be the trigger for the leap, like you target the enemy guy press action skill then you leap.

Yes to the first and no to the second but it shouldn’t be a problem since the leap replaces the standard melee attack (unlike the other melee arguments which have a cooldown)

Hmm… that could work maybe but they do it too often for it to be an action skill (unless the cooldown in ~5 seconds)

Maybe put the execute on a charge/cd system. I could imagine the scenario where you’d like chuck a grenade and spam the melee button and kill everything.

Middle Tree Capstone: Incubation: When your health depletes, instead of entering FFYL, you enter a cocoon for 3 seconds before reviving with X% Health and Full Shield and releasing a Corrosive Nove. Your Action Skill’s Cooldown resets upon release. 120 Second Cooldown

Wait… so you get a free revive correct? And it can only happen every 2 minutes? Can I assume if it’s between cooldowns you go to regular FFYL?