A few loot related questions

S&S gear: anyone ever found a S&S support rifle with Mag2?

Dahl, specifically the Typhoon: any spawn restrictions?

Torgue: Explosive elemental Bastards any good?

I rather ask it here instead of checking the wiki since it is prone to show false info.

Don’t think I’ve ever used or cared to check for a Mag2 S&S, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible.

Typhoon has an accessory and material I believe. There may be other restrictions but mat+acc can weigh heavily in rarity and be enough to always give a blue or better (since Typhoon is never green).

Explosive Bastard is beaten by the Atlas Ogre. Torgue generally isn’t any good for tech pools.
For elemental MGs, Atlas (especially Ogre) and S&S (especially Draco) will almost always win out.
Acid & Shock Bastards have a place, definitely… until you get a decent Serpens, then only Shock is worth.

Best Bastard has a Shattering Accessory. =D

The reason I’m asking this is because I have yet to come across one that is not Mag4 or 5. I can’t exclude the possibility that Mag2 isn’t in on the loottable for S&S.

You probably already know this, but don’t go anywhere near Kyros. =P
Can’t be too careful.

I know that all too well, learned it the hard way.

Bump since there are a few more:

Knoxx’s Gold: anyone who ever found it with the Gemini accesoire?
Jackal: spawnable with Bulldog mag?