Do VIP weapons drop in game

Does VIP points weapons like

  1. Relentless Puma
  2. Daisy Marshall
  3. Jakobs ++

And even Early adopter Pack COV weapon (Inexpensive Shreddo) and

Maliwan Deadly Vault Hero still drop in game through normal gameplay?

Would be a shame for my 2nd character onwards to be unable to use such weapons even once

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The Early Adopter pack weapon and the Maliwan SMG can be redeemed by every character you create.

Really? Its not respawning for me

The 3 vip rewards are purple which you can get in game. I like the daisy and the puma.

Ah ok. Thank you

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yeah, spending 12K points on purples which easily drops in the game. smh lol

I started up a second character, and when I went to the Mail screen, I was able to redeem the COV weapon from the Early Adopter pack and the Maliwan SMG again after having redeemed them on my first character.

Hmm let me try that again. Thanks for the help!

I couldn’t Maliwan gun once lol. Never got it.

I did fortunately get the VIP skins though.