Easy way to kill ECLIPSE/EOS?

Aurelia + 5/5 I never miss + prestacking the test dummies in Deck 13 and half to 999 stacks of I never Miss + Amplify Shield (rerouter) + Strong sniper rifle. (or a glitch amplify sniper)

if each stack of I never miss does +3.5% critical, then with 999 stacks you’ll have something like 3 000%, right? Add bonus from large caliber and all the other damage skills, plus an amplify shield and a really really really really strong sniper…

Do you lose the stacks if you die?

Anyone tried it before? I’ll try it tomorrow probably. No promises though.

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Sounds crazy!

Looking forward to hearing about results!

Night or pacifying Pitchfork… Check out @charrisx thread on Jakobs build… He has a video of the Pitchfork just MELTING it!!! So just imagine Aurelia with prestacks of INM and all that bonus damage PLUS the fact that the pitchforks sends out 5 bullets for one shot and 4 of those are unlisted so they get full amp damage… R. I. P. ECLIPSE /EOS

RIP Eclipse, :frowning: RIP

Also this is the closest thing I can find to what you are talking about doing.


damn, I may have to start a game with Aurelia now

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reminds me of Critical Ascension stacking in BL2 :smile:

(Skip to 5:50)

And remember: this is BL2’s UVHM at OP8: even with TPS scaling, this guy would have about 100x EOS’ health.

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Holy S**T!!!


Just madness!

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great one shot kill , but it has some major pit fall

  1. Having to get back to the area without killing ,shooting anything and dying (lack of fast travel stations )
  2. Getting the gear in the first place
  3. Can not do it at max level due to needing a level up boost
    4, More importantly r n g on your side (very rarely happens in borderlands games)

to be fair, he did say he’s been grinding it out for 5 months at a level 70 alone which sounds like he’s put in the legitimate work of farming and grinding for gear. He did say he does dashboard grind to make sure he gets what he wants, with the low drop rates on legendaries and subpar returns from the grinder, I am going to start doing this myself.

I agree with the sub par drop rates and thank you for clarifty that getting gear issue .I wished this game that you get legendarys from assigned bosses sorry I meant the barroo video (aureala). top video (nisha) fine I got the gear most of the gear in 6hrs unfortunatey can not get the naughty shield I do not have tales from the borderlands

Barhoo’s video is just an exercise in game theory. This is a cool thing to watch and I’m glad I could see that, but it’s not really a sustainable way to expect to play the game.

Though His premises are interesting, and if you make abstraction of his self imposed limits on using just one shot, you could go in there and try to do it with less than …10 shots. That would still be a good challenge and an interesting piece of gameplay.

272 stacks so far.

Glitched Hyperion Sniper is really handy.

600 stacks now.

wait, my bad. the person I was referring to about legendary dashboard farming was from a post on here in the Wilhelm section. He didn’t one shot EOS but he killed him in about 6 minutes. All his stuff was legit but he does dashboard grind which I think is fine considering the turds the grinder will give back to you in some cases.

I just haven’t had any legendary drops from bosses in UVHM and if I did, it was in an online session and someone nabbed it immediately.

it’s a good idea to fight bosses that way solo.

Round 1.

999 stacks.

4 shots total.

1 critical w/ Shock pitchfork.

2 normal w/ Corrosive pitchfork.

1 crit w/ Corrosive pitchfork.

Made him lose A LOT of HP. Damage was epic. But I missed on my fifth shot. So time for round 5. I backed up my save somewhere so I wouldn’t lose the stacks. Bad thing is, I’ll need to go through the Sub conscious… AGAIN.

Makes me curious though, imagine if Sal was in BL TPS. You all know that video of OHKing Terra? Yeah, imagine if he did that to Eclipse… oh man.

Round 2.

999 stacks + CoE COM = ~ 6500% critical damage at 999 stacks. Exactly 6493.5%.

Rerouter Shield.

Night Pitchfork in Shock and Corrosive flavors.

Got ECLIPSE in 3 critical shots.

Doing EOS now. Won’t be easy since I need him to open his eye.

Died and lost all the stacks. Backup save also has lost all stacks… weird.