Has anyone put together a list of all the possible prefixes and what they mean or even better, a list of all the different gun parts?
I havent seen one and it may be a while before we get a comprehensive list.
Double, compressed, or annexed usually means 2.
Which is all you need for more EXPLOSIONS
The game is still really new, so it’s probably going to be a while before we get everything locked down enough to have definitive parts guides.
The effects determine the prefix, not the other way around.
Isn’t this circular logic? And a moot point?
I mean the prefix denotes the effect AND the effect determine the prefix.
Was just wondering if I’m missing a point to your comment?
Ey gang, I Put together a prefix list wit Stubesy and Karth nearly 5 months ago. Its posted under General discussion, however this is the original unaltered … https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/dh7wk5/weapon_prefix_list_for_borderlands_3/
Hope it helps. Your feed back is what keeps me Going.
sorry WE posted on REddit, but I had a list by week 3.
Bro this is a great list however I don’t see “Hyperfocus” on the list for Hyperion. I thought originally this only belong tot he Legendary Zx41, However I just found a “Hyperfocus Bitch.” Could this just be a Hyperion SMG Prefix, if so what could it do?
You and about 50 others, I did add it, but I don’t know the upsides AND down sides, I need someone with one to send me all the states of a level 57 as well as go into weapon parts and just scroll through and look for anything unique, like improves zoom beyond normal hyperion possible zooms, or reloads twice as fast, etc. - ALSO THIS IS A LEGENDARY lol, I legit have posted it in bold on the main page, this list only guarantees NON red-text items since guns like the bitch can have one-off prefixes, of ever prefixes of other manufactures.
Thanks for your time,
its real, its new. gearbox keeps changing the game too much and I put more hours into the lists then a job this year and not one person donated 1 bit (cent) I just cant afford to update it anymore.