- Moxxi’s Heart Breaker
- Lady Fist
- Good Touch
- Barking Cherie-amie
- Fibber
What is your point exactly?
Personally I think that the Machine is far superior to the Cherie-amie as is the Wet Week
What about the Ol’ Painful? It’s actually in the game legit, but it is unobtainable.
It’s also pretty powerful, the fire rate is pretty damn extreme. Only thing stopping it from dethroning zx-1 is no homing bullets (easy-mode maelstrom maintenance), but the damage is better.
It was available during Xmas so it was obtainable
I really hope they give us all the unobtainables. I really want the machine and boom a corn
Are they supposed to be in order ?
To me, the lady fist is a clear #1. It’s so strong in fact that if it legitimately appeared in the game, no Nisha player are ever gonna use anything else.
The Chere Amie is not that good… Wet work is stronger.
Also, anyone has an opinion on the Boomacorn ?
The Boomacorn is neat because it does multiple elements in one shot but I never found myself using it very much
Uuuuuh, since they aren’t legitimately in the game…what’s the point? I also thought it was frowned upon.
It’s a grey line
Those guns are not legitimately obtainable in the game, but they are in the game file, and while discussing data-mined information is frowned upon, these guns are all over the internet…
And this is just (in my case at least) theoretical comparison: most of these guns were in BL2, so we know how they work…imagining that they would be available in TPS isn’t a big stretch.
This speaks for itself.