I need advice as Gearbox have never been detailed about playthroughs and I don’t want to mess up.
I’ve completed the story on normal and then on TVHM, I now want to restart the playthrough or story on TVHM Mayhem 3 but am not sure how to do this, or if any side missions and crew challenges will be reset which I don’t want.
Anyone know how to restart story on Mayhem mode from the start and if I will restart all side missions and crew challenges to?
On your TVHM play through which you’ve just completed, have you done all the side quests and missions?
Because if you haven’t I believe they will still be there when you activate Mayhem 3. It doesn’t reset once you’ve completed the main campaign BUT there is an option I believe on the main menu to reset TVHM if you want to do that…just don’t hit that button lol
That’s the problem, I have had such bad luck with glitches trophies, I just achieved the all locations on pandora by simply playing circle of slaughter ffs.
My missions show 95/95 yet the trophy hasn’t popped, I’m missing 4 locations but haven’t focused on them really and completed all crew challenges, I’m just now at the point where I’m tired of focusing so much on all these things when the trophies are glitches and want to simply play the story again but on mayhem 3 without losing my side missions progress…
Yeah I’ve used the mayhem buttons and they don’t reset anything but I also noticed a button on the main menu to reset missions, it pops up with a warning which scares me lol, has anyone used that reset on main menu and is able to confirm if it does reset side missions?
Or can anyone advise how I can get the trophy to pop since I’m on 95/95? If I can just get that mission or trophy, I’ll reset at main menu as I wouldn’t care if everything resets then.
That button you refer to doesn’t just reset side missions, It’s like BL2, It will reset the entire TVHM play through lol
I think trophies are 1 of those glitches/bugs that others in here have alluded to so I’m not too sure how it will be fixed outside of an actual patch from Gearbox?
But I’m intrigued, which trophy are you ,missing out on? because even though it says 95, there’s actually more missions than that in the actual game
I don’t know what I’m missing, when I go and L3 in each individual area it shows all missions completed, yet my trophy hasn’t popped. I’ve just read completing the circles of slaughter count towards the side missions so will try finish them and see.
Just weird that my overall stats show 95/95 but then again, so many stats are broken lol.
Btw im just talking about side missions, ive done all main missions .
Wow ok, then I won’t be using the reset button on main menu lol, so basically all I can do is farm and redo side missions again once the story s done? Crazy that you cannot just restart the main story.
Did you know that some side missions are random so they won’t always spawn. So you could be missing out on an actual side mission that hasn’t shown up yet…I didn’t know this
I won’t put up a link unless you request it, but here’s an exact quote explaining this situation, I hope it helps
"a lot of side missions in Borderlands 3 are classified as “rare random spawns” so they will not always be there and show up randomly. If you don’t do a rare quest it might disappear and then you could end up searching for it for hours in the end. To clarify: the quests themselves always have the same objectives, but when and where they show up is randomized for everyone, especially all the “kill” quests from notice boards are completely random spawns. These Kill Quests are also repeatable and reappear but you only need to do them once. Definitely keep a list of all side missions you have done. Because they respawn, it can be a mess to figure out what you’re missing if you didn’t keep track (warning: lot of them don’t register in your quest log!). You must finish all side missions for trophy “Getting A Little On The Side”. A lot of other things will come naturally along the way, so don’t even worry about it for now, just do story and any side missions you run into.
Wow ok, cool thanks for this, you more than welcome to post a link, I’ll just play and have fun then and it will come when it cones lol, but yeah, all my maps are totally cleared, no black spots and no missions visible besides the repeatable ones like that burger diner dash.