Preferred Vendor Farming Routes?

Of all the weird / random questions I’ve asked you guys about this game, I don’t believe I’ve ever asked this one.

What are your Vendor farming routes of choice?

Back in my days I used to start at Concordia’s Fast Travel Station. I checked all the vendors there in the most efficient order and left Concordia through the main exit to Triton Flats and checked the three vendors to the left. Save&Quit and I would do the same, just in reverse. It was important that I triggered the FTS save point of Concordia so I would start there again after the next S&Q.
Sometimes I expanded the route by using the FTS to visit Pity’s Fall, Titan Industrial Facility, Titan Robot Production Plant, Vorago Solitude and Eleseer. In this case I started at Triton Flats or Eleseer.
Did I forget any non-DLC “Three-Vendors-Near-FTS” locations? I have no experience with any DLC locations so I don’t know how they would fit.

Triton < Concordia < Pity < Titan Industrial < Titan Robot < Vorago < Eleseer


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There’s also 3 right when you travel to the holodome and to the nexus

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