As it stands, Mayhem mode is far too difficult to even call it fun. After starting my NG+ at level 50 (TVHM) I started out on Mayhem 1 and slowly worked my way up to 3. Generally speaking enemies aren’t too bad and it’s cool to see some new ones that you don’t see during the first play through. However, the modifiers don’t really add anything to the game that make it more fun. I welcome challenge but the modifiers feel like a cheap way to make the game more difficult by making you feel weak and every enemy is basically a badass, baddasses are basically mini-bosses. I also want to make it clear that I’m using a full set of legendary gear when fighting these battles (besides my class mod, still purple)
Adding health and damage to enemies is completely fair as well as new ways to fight but most if not all the modifiers feel ridiculous. Here are some of the most frustrating I have dealt with during my time in Mayhem 3.
- (-)50% on all guns (really just not creative modifier when coupled with the other negative modifiers).
- 50% increase on enemy accuracy (turns all AI into aim-bots and makes strafing feel completely useless).
- +2 extra projectiles per shot (on top of the existing modifiers, this seems like much…)
- negative weapon and elemental modifiers which stack on top of each other (dividing damage half only to divide that half again if you have a weapon that lands itself in both categories is absurd; pick one)
- additional 45% MORE health on top of the already existing modifier while playing on Mayhem 3 (150% health + 200% shields and armor on Mayhem 3 w/o the 45%)
- ALL negative elemental damage modifiers (my main issue with this is when it pairs with damage reduction on all guns or specific guns and that there is no (+) modifier to another element)
These are only a few that I’ve picked that make the game feel frustrating and lose its fun. I think that most of the modifiers are in the same state as the ones mentioned above and need to be completely changed and rebalanced adding more positves the modifiers without any or with too little in the player’s favor. Sadly, the problem doesn’t end there. Certain enemy types (mostly bandits) have ridiculous mechanics that make them annoying to fight.
Annointed- Biggest issue with this enemy type is the immunity phases they get during a fight when other enemies are attacking from afar as well as well as they can simply run away from a fight by teleporting or chase you down if you decide to run with the same method.
Bots- This one is very specific to a certain type of bot that can encountered on Promethea. There is a type of bot that can regenerate their shields in the middle of you attacking it…regenerating shields back is fine but while I’m shooting the damn thing doesn’t really feel fair since players can’t regen shields while taking damage, this should work the same for these enemies as long as you keep pressing the attack.
Tank Tinks- 3 varying health bars (shields, armor, and normal health) which when couples with some of the negative modifiers for certain damage types which chances are, you have at least one of them the ones that are strong against one of those 3 health bar types. With a super small hitbox and 3 varying health bars these enemies can be very frustrating to take down in the midst of other bandits rushing you or shooting from cover. 3 health bars isn’t much of a bother but at least make them 2 types instead of 3.
Rocket Spammers- Any type of mob that uses a rocket launcher or explosive AOE is the bane of my existence. The only way to deal and their endless shooting barrage is try to kill them before they kill you. Seriously just give them a reload animation so there is an actual window to attack instead of just having to face the assault head on, hoping that your movement will let you dodge an AOE attack…not likely though.
I hope there are others out there that feel the same way. I thoroughly enjoy Borderlands 3 and wish to continue playing but with the current state of Mayhem 3 precarious range of difficult is something that often feels more frustrating than challenging.
If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read.