Pet can eat legendary loot

Very frustrated, my pet just ate a legendary I dropped so I could redo my room decorations. I dropped it it for a second picked it up the wall gun and the legendary was already gone. I am going to kill this skag, and I’m not happy gearbox, this wasnt funny.


Pretty Funny


it’s a little funny. I would assume he’ll spit it back up eventually. my Spiderant Broodmother is constantly spitting things up with Fl4k responding “when did you eat that?” try petting the skag a few times, I know it gets Ava’s cat-rat to spit up ammo, so who knows!

Maybe, but I think its gone. This whole eating mechanic would be funny for me if it didnt include legendaries that are anointed

Did you actually see it eat the legendary, or was it perhaps this:

I mean, you know damn well why we’re all laughing, but that does suck. I thought it was bad enough that my pet loves to push me all over the god damn place in Sanctuary, especially in the middle of tense dialogue or even playing slots, but that would infuriate me.

If it makes you feel any better, when I fought Troy there is a cut-scene immediately after (no spoilers) and when the scene ended, I was currently falling through the floor indefinitely. There’s no fall damage, so even if I did eventually hit a “floor” I assume I’d just stand there. Fun fact: my “lost loot” storage was full already, so yeah. No loot for a major boss fight. I feel your pain.

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Wow, seriously? That’s actually AWESOME and hilarious. I love it.


@Noelle_GBX. Hey, I would really appreciate it if you passed this along. Playing Fl4k and i dropped something on sanctuary for two seconds and honestly i think both pets eat loot. Mine, and the one who wanders around sanctuary and of course i lost something i really didnt want to lose. can you talk to the devs about this? can we not have pets be able to eat loot, with all the dropping we need to do in this game we cant afford to lose it like that. It really sucks :frowning: please talk to them! thank you.

I had this happen to me,I run a fl4k with spiderant, I suspected my pet, shouted at her. dropped a transformer for my buddy and it just vanished. the only transformer I had. sniff sniff

Huh. I had this happen with two shields (Transformer and Rectifier) and at least one legendary gun. Wasn’t sure what happened. Now I know. LoL

Anything you drop in Sanctuary can fall through the floor, I play as Moze and saw it with my own eyes. I don’t think your pet ate it, my brother has never had that problem.