Hello. I finally got the trick and beat EOS with my Claptrap. Flakked the hell outta him, and farmed him 5 times. I read things about “Tons of glitch guns/legendaries every time you kill him”, but I was disappointed. Very little good loot, a ton of greens, sometimes a purple (mostly Ozs) no legendaries.
Is there something I’ve missed about the boss? Shouldn’t it drop a legendary every time?
Also. The mutator arena. I also heard it’s used to farm easyl glitch guns/legendaries. I looked up online but haven’t found anything really helpful about what you need to choose there to get good stuff.
Anybody knows something about it? What’s the best was to milk the arena?
for eos, he always drops a legendary the first time you kill him. he can be moonshot farmed like the warrior.
for the mutator arena, when customizing the game options different chests will appear. they are randomizes each game. the order, from best to worst chest to use is glitch, then red, then black. the higher the dificulty you set, the better loot in general. lvl9 glitch chests are incredibaly likely to give you a legendary.
if you save and quit during leet haxors, you fail the mission and the next run of the mutator arena will give no loot (this is a glitch)
Not necessarily. I’ve experienced instances where choosing 9 difficulty and glitched chests for both spawned purples with one or two legendaries. Your mileage may vary.
RNG Strikes again. The glitch chests on average give better loot, and increasing the difficulty increases the rarity of the loot. 2 Glitch and Full Cake is the best.
also, one or two legendarys is expected, or do you mean after several runs you only got 1/2 legendarys?
The Legendaries I posted in that thread are from level 6, 7 or 8 rounds. I’ve never even tried level 9 since I can only beat round 8 barely with my Nisha. I’ve gotten 12 Legendaries so far, from around 40 completed rounds (rough estimate).