Loot midgets are awesome

I just got a cool hellfire from a loot midget. I was starting to farm for them and the first one popped one out.

Moving to Loot and Weapons chat for you…

They are a game feature that I think should be added to future Borderlands titles. Even if it’s not a loot midget exactly, something that randomly spawns from basic ammo chests that is enough of a badass to be something I’m leery about suddenly having in my face, with a decent shot at rare loot is a perfect way to mix in risk with reward.

Just getting a surprise in the chest isn’t quite the same. Ammo chests in Captain Scarlett’s DLC, for example, would randomly drop extra cash or a grenade. Those were nice, but I don’t think I’m alone in preferring the volatility of either nothing but ammo or a badass enemy right in my face with a shot at good loot upon its demise. Heck, add both features, but make the money/grenade option seem like it’s a loot midget. If we as players get a little rush whenever we open an ammo chest because we’re drooling after a shot at loot or because we’re concerned about dying, the line is in the right place. Sawtooth Cauldron is pretty close to this for me; I go there for the fight, but stay for the loot midgets.

If I’m not equipped to deal with them, I should be skittish about opening every loot container I find

These ammo chests are the staple of our adventures in the Borderlands, so having a random surprise is always fun. I personally like that they’re a high-caliber fight. If they were a simple kill, it would just be like finding a box within a box… cute, but I like t

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