[Idea] Could Seasons (leagues) work in BL3?

Hello, and welcome to my [Long] idea for BL3 Seasons, and no, I don’t mean fall/winter/spring/summer. I mean… a specific set of challenges, competitive leaderboards, and rewards. For people who have played ‘Path of Exile’ or ‘Diablo’, you may already know what Seasons are, and they are usually very fun. This idea would theoretically take place after the major DLC’s are released, in either 3 or 4 month long intervals.

BL3 Seasons would add some more variation to the game. They could include specific modifiers, things like:

  • Enemies and Players deal 50% more damage, players gain 50% increased drop rates on all items.
  • Killing multiple enemies in a row grant you a buff; increasing health regeneration, movement speed, and reload speed. This buff lasts 5 seconds but refreshes with every kill. Going into ‘Fight for your Life’ while buffed causes you to explode, damaging all enemies in a radius. Any enemy dying by this explosion will automatically revive you with the buff still active.
  • Your weapon equipped in ‘Slot 1’ no longer can be shot; Instead, it grants you 250% increased melee damage. Your melee damage is randomly augmented with a different element on every hit. You deal 75% less damage when shooting.

BL3 could also include some new encounters, such as:

  • New difficult bosses (See: ‘BL2 Raid Bosses’). These would be very difficult, but provide good, exclusive (I’ll talk about that in a bit) gear.
  • New Arenas, quests, or new challenge modes, also rewarding season-specific loot.
  • Changes to existing gameplay (IE, all Goliaths are automatically in their ultimate form, all enemies are badasses, or new random enemy encounters)

But WHY would players want to do this, and WHY would Gearbox even want to put effort and time into this ?

For Players:

  • New Content would keep players coming back.
  • New rewards would give players things to strive for, earned via League Challenge Completions or rare drop off of specific league enemies. These rewards could be:
  • Exclusive skins (perhaps even a new skin type that could change how the HUD looks)
  • League Legendaries [or new red text gear in general] (could be added to base game after each league).
  • Additional Bank Upgrades
  • A New League-specific hub could be included, with an addition of a new currency. This currency could be traded for certain items or skins people may have not been able to get as drops throughout the current (or past) league. This currency could be earned via challenges and you would be limited to completing each challenge once per account.
  • Having new modifiers and challenges would allow players to branch out, trying new characters and builds.

For Gearbox:

  • Leagues/Challenges would generate extra interest in your game and broadening your audience even more.
  • Spiked viewers on streaming sites.
  • It would take one of the biggest ‘Shooter-Looters’ to the next level, solidifying the game for years to come.

Are you not yet sold, or are you wondering what this would actually be like? I’ll break down what an average league would look like:

  1. League is announced, and plans to start in 2 weeks. You and your friends get snacks in order, and begin planning your class.
  2. League launches. You are forced to make a NEW League character, fresh level 1, 0 Guardian points.
  3. You play through the BASE campaign, completing challenges along the way; you notice, however, more challenges lie in TVHM.
  4. Your group has reach level 50 off of farming methods, and have some loot to use in TVHM.
  5. Your group finishes TVHM, and even more challenges unlock. You notice there is a League boss to kill, whom is VERY difficult. Your first attempt is a bust.
  6. After farming and careful planning, you down the boss. You are a F@#$ING BADASS!
  7. Your team farms the boss, and other challenges in the remaining month(s).
  8. LEAGUE ENDS, your character is ported over to the BASE version of the game. Your Guardian points carry over. Your bank DOES NOT CARRY OVER. ANYTHING you want carried to the base game must be on your CHARACTER(s).

This can keep the game feeling fresh for those who LOVE the franchise, and can keep people who dabble coming back for more here and there. Please, feel free to share your thoughts

Please don’t make Fortnite from Borderlands.
Borderlands 2 didn’t had “Seasons” or “Leagues” and lasted 7 years.
Raid bosses are coming as “Takedown” free dlc in future.


I love seasons in Diablo 3. I’d support seasons in Borderlands 3 for sure.

No. Borderlands doesn’t need to be like fortnite, or Destiny 2 (seasons will be implemented on October 1st with the release of shadow keep).

I would love to see seasons in BL3.

And to those who don’t like it why do you care? They would be optional and wouldn’t impact you. If it doesn’t impact you why would you want to ruin this type of gameplay for others???

Seasons would those of us that love starting totally fresh and being semi competitive and being able to see your ranking as the season progresses.

I care because borderlands ISN’T mmorpg.
Borderlands is all about cooperation NOT competition “who is better at playing 24/7”.


Which is fine, but you don’t have to participate is the thing. You don’t want to do it then don’t, but why take it from those of us that would love it?

As I stated. Seasons OR leagues are made for competition games such as Diablo, Destiny, Fortnite, Apex (MMO) etc.
Borderlands ISN’T mmo game. It’s game for cooperation. (A little competition between friends is welcome but not this).
It’s just doesn’t suits here.
There are going to be small dlc with contet every 2-3 months.

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That is fine, but again it doesn’t explain why you don’t want to let those of us that DO enjoy type of gameplay have fun with it.

I love coop as well, but I love coop more during a season.

Again, the question is, if you don’t have to participate, which you don’t, why do you refuse to let those that WANT to participate enjoy it? You can simply ignore it and keep playing exactly how you are.

I understand you don’t like it which is fine, so you can completely ignore it just like Diablo3. Seasons would be optional, not mandatory if it worked like I would love to see.

Seasons in Diablo/Path of Exile are MUCH, MUCH different then Destiny (which doesn’t have proper seasons?), Fortnite /Apex which is literally just Battle Pass.

Borderlands 2 didn’t “last” 7 years for the general public, FYI.

This would be a steady stream of content to keep the game feeling fresh longer then just ~2 years.

Didn’t last 7 years? Interesting, when each day on steam was ~20k people playing Borderlands 2…

Seasons similar to Diablo 3 would be awesome for this game. For people who don’t like the idea, you could you know NOT play the seasonal mode and enjoy the normal modes you are already playing.

Those are decent numbers for sure, but a season or league would bump those up significantly, and as I stated before, bring more streamers.

Is there a problem with making BL competitive? I really don’t think so. Diablo isn’t necessarily a “competitive” game, and seasons worked great there.

Most games with leagues AREN’T MMO’s.

It just seems to me you’re scared of something you don’t understand…

Plus it wouldn’t be competitive in the PvP sense, it could simply be competitive in the sense that people would be trying to complete certain objectives as quickly as possible.

Meaning everyone can still get the same rewards by completing specific objectives, but at the same time they could have leaderboards so everyone could see where they stand.

If you don’t want to compete you don’t have to. You can skip seasons completely or you can make a new character and play however you want.

it sounds good in theory ill give it that but i also see it being monetized $$ into the ground by this as well if it was implemented… don’t get me wrong i like the idea but i also see how it could ruin borderlands for the loyal fans that have loved it for what it is as well.

I am one of the few that have played the BL series since day 1 release of BL1 and I would love seasons.

They could make unique cosmetics and charge whatever they want to make money and I am fine with that.

Seasons could bring a change of some sort for those that love to start fresh and refresh the game.

Those that dont like the seasons could just play the normal game. D3 does seasons perfectly IMHO. You could give rewards for specific achievements but like in D3 those rewards can still drop in game.

Seasons do not take away from the game, they just add a uniqueness to it.

i see your point .but it would never be implemented that smoothly taking gearbox out of the picture do u think that take2 would just leave it as cosmetic only? same people that let u spend real to gamble fake in gta? its a great concept an i like it but i think that tk2 would get greedy an it would get ruined in my opinion that is. but ive been wrong b4 who knows.

The only thing we can go off of is BL history and so far they have never gone p2w.

I dont see an issue with them continuing this trend.

p2w wasn’t big when bl1 an 2 launched like it is now. when 80% of modern games have loot boxes an other greedy tactics for getting our $ could u really trust it to be fair an balanced. + it wouldn’t be gearboxes choice really…like i said i really like the idea just not how it could be exploited.