A bit early, but here's an idea for a Christmas themed gun

I was watching the first episode of the BL show where they mentioned new themed loot and it got me thinking about a potential future Christmas themed gun. Now I’m not sure if anyone from the gbx dev team peruses these threads for potential loot ideas but just in case, here’s a freebie on me.
So we should all know by now that most every piece of loot with red flavor text is in reference to something either historical or pop culture related. Well, I got inspired by a simple humorous phrase from one of my favorite videos from BalloonShop. Here’s the video:

I’ve actually got two different variants in mind so I’m just gonna get to the meat and potatoes and list what I think the gun would be like. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated and if you’ve got any ideas on how to improve upon it, let me know!

Name: The Coalchurner

First variant -
Gun manufacturer: COV
Pellet count: x4
Accuracy: 30 - 45%
Handling: 45 - 55%
Repair time: 4.2 - 5.2s
Fire rate: 3.5 - 6/s
Shots to break: 75 - 100

  • Innate fire element, because coal, though I feel like it would conflict with the Sawbar already existing… or perhaps whatever gimmick effect they have going on for that event could be applied to the gun
  • would deal average damage per pellet and consume 2 ammo/shot to give it some level of balance and not make it completely op

Second variant -
Gun manufacturer: Vladof
Pellet count: x1 or x2, probably x1 for balancing
Accuracy: 45 - 60%
Handling: 45 - 60%
Reload time: 3.5 - 5s
Fire rate: 5.5 - 8/s
Mag size: 60 - 85

  • underbarrel shotgun with 12 shots
  • like above, innate fire element or event gimmick
  • also like above it has similarities with another legendary, the Faisor, so to differentiate them it would offer a steadier continuous fire rate with slightly less damage and a large mag over the Faisor’s faster fire rate and dps (gotta keep that coal churnin’!)

So from what you can see I’m kinda leaning towards it being a steady, continuous firing fire element/event gimmick type of gun with an emphasis on multi pellet spread, as if it really were spitting chunks of hot coals out. I was also thinking it could be a shotgun or smg but then it wouldn’t feel like it fits within either of those manufacturers and any other manufacturer wouldn’t feel right for this gun, at least for me.
Oh also, as for the red flavor text that I mentioned earlier, I was thinking one of three choice quotes from the video. The first being the phrase that inspired this gun and being the most obvious choice and the other two are options because they’re just great quotes :‘D
"Get that coal churnin’."
“Let’s pump this UP!”
“Demetrius stop that!”

Give me your feedback, if any! I know it’s a long shot in the dark but I’m hoping it’ll be considered!