Vault loot is....lackluster

Anyone else feel the vault loot is lackluster? I get I’m only 34 but man, I get nothing more than uncommons out of the loot boxes inside the vaults. You mean to tell me they have these giant monsters guarding this holiest of vaults that contains nothing more than a handful of uncommons? Kinda kills the whole “we have to collect the vault keys” vibe for me. Like, if the Calypso’s really want those so bad they can have em.


Yea vault loot was pretty disappointing. Maybe 1 or 2 purples and the rest is crap. It was all just normal chests no “red” chests to loot.

The game really lacks the “loot splosions” feel from BL2.

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I ran the second vault boss 4 times, only for one epic(purple) and that’s in 4 runs and clearing the vault. Honestly ruins a lot of the magic.

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